
GPT应用制作门槛大幅降低 AI爆款应用有望打开行业成长空间

The threshold for GPT app production has been drastically lowered, and popular AI apps are expected to open up room for industry growth ·  Dec 5, 2023 07:51

① According to GPThunter, as of December 3, 2023, the number of “User Customized GPT” GPTS launched by OpenAI has exceeded 32,301. ② The threshold for GPT application production has been drastically lowered, and more and more AI-native applications will continue to emerge. It is optimistic that popular applications will continue to drive industry-side transformation, and data and other related industries are also expected to benefit from this.

According to GPThunter, as of December 3, 2023, the number of “user customized GPT” GPTS launched by OpenAI has exceeded 32,301.

The definition of GPTS is a version of ChatGPT created by a user for a specific purpose. GPTs require no code, can be created through only natural language interaction, and anyone can create customized GPTs for use in everyday life, specific tasks, work, or home for more convenience to improve efficiency. GPTS creatively promotes the transformation of artificial intelligence from tools to AI agents. Huaxi Securities believes that the threshold for GPT application production has been drastically lowered, and more and more AI native applications will continue to emerge. It is optimistic that popular applications will continue to drive industry-side transformation, and data and other related industries are also expected to benefit from this.

According to the Finance Federation's theme library, among the relevant listed companies:

Vision China leverages the value of massive, high-quality, and copyright-compliant data sets and collaborates with strategic partners in computing power and algorithms to create a proprietary vertical AIGC visual image model.

Talking Ben AI, the first AI mobile game developed by Tom Cat, began the first round of overseas testing in Slovenia, Cyprus, South Africa and other regions. The multi-modal AI Tomcat product has initially implemented various functions such as photo recognition, English oral enlightenment, interest guidance, popular science education, AI life pictures, AI generation of picture books, and contextual dialogue.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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