
超图软件(300036):携手电信 GIS龙头数据要素业务再突破

Super Map Software (300036): Joining hands with leading telecommunications GIS data element business to break through

華鑫證券 ·  Dec 3, 2023 07:32

On November 28, according to information from the recruitment network, China Telecom Digital City Co., Ltd. announced the winning candidate for the 2023 comprehensive information platform project, and the company became its first candidate to win the bid.

Key points of investment

Jointly with Telecom to enter the field of comprehensive data factor infrastructure, China Telecom Digital City Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as China Telecom Digital City) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Telecom Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as China Telecom Telecom) and won the bid for the Tangshan Smart City Phase II Phase 1 (Integrated Information Platform) project. China Telecom Digital City tendered the comprehensive information platform project through a pooling and subcontracting format. The company became its first candidate to win the bid, marking the beginning of in-depth cooperation between the company and China Telecom in the field of city-level integrated data factor infrastructure.

According to the tender documents, the comprehensive information platform includes a data resource system, a basic capability platform, a central capacity enablement platform, a comprehensive information platform portal, system docking and interface engineering, platform support, and a standard specification system. By integrating the achievements of the first phase of smart Tangshan construction, a comprehensive platform with common capabilities was built in an integrated manner, and services such as display, inquiry, application, trial, and download of common capability resources are provided throughout the city. As described in the tender documents, the integrated information platform, as a type of comprehensive data element infrastructure, may become a key carrier for the release of the value of public data resources formed by smart city construction in Tangshan City, and play an important role in data resource gathering, governance and operation. China Telecom has outstanding customer advantages in the field of government informatization. After the wave of data element infrastructure construction began in full swing, it also won public data licensing operation and construction platform projects in Ningbo and other cities. Therefore, we believe that the company's cooperation with China Telecom to jointly explore the data element infrastructure construction and operation circuit will bring greater competitiveness to the company's data element business.

Accumulated and underdeveloped, the data element business is about to take off

As a leader in domestic GIS software, the company actively lays out the fields of data governance, operation and real estate data, and has significant advantages in the space-time big data sector. 1) In terms of data governance, the company has further strengthened the research and development of data governance products, built a code management spatial data governance platform, and has carried out data governance business in more than 10 provinces and cities across the country, including Gansu Province, Hebei Province, Nanjing City, and Liuzhou City. Looking at the first three quarters, the company's data governance business grew by more than 50% year on year, mainly focusing on spatial data governance and integration business and management of special data such as ocean data governance and rental data governance; 2) In terms of space-time big data platforms, the company relied on the space-time big data platform to gather spatial and temporal big data resources. As of March 2022, it participated in the construction of more than 200 smart city spatio-temporal big data platform construction projects, and built excellent demonstration practices in Shijiazhuang, Xianning and Jingmen, etc., and has an industry leading edge; 3) At the real estate data level, the company continues to focus on real estate data Expand applications and sign contracts with banks for about 24 million yuan relating to real estate data services in 2022. In addition, the company is actively cooperating with local big data companies to explore new models of data operations. The company has been deeply involved in the field of spatio-temporal big data for many years, focusing on building sectors such as data governance, space-time big data platforms, and real estate data, and has industry-leading and KNOWHOW advantages. In the future, as the top-level driving force of data elements continues to increase and public data licensing operations are gradually implemented, the company's data element business is expected to expand rapidly.

Profit forecasting

It is predicted that the company's revenue for 2023-2025 will be 19.95, 24.93, and 3.117 billion yuan, EPS will be 0.57, 0.74, and 0.98 yuan respectively, and the current stock price corresponding to PE will be 36.8, 28.1, and 21.3 times, respectively, giving it a “buy” investment rating.

Risk warning

Macroeconomic pressure, data factor policies falling short of expectations, new technology and product development falling short of expectations, increased market competition, etc.

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