

Weiton (301319.SZ): The gross margin of microelectronics-assisted welding materials is higher than that of microelectronic welding materials

Gelonghui Finance ·  Nov 29, 2023 15:43

Gelonghui, November 29 | Weitpan (301319.SZ) recently stated during a survey by investors from reception agencies that the gross margin of the company's products is mainly reflected in: ① In terms of sales regions, due to factors such as tariffs and procurement volume, the gross margin level of the company's products sold abroad is generally slightly higher than that sold domestically; ② in terms of the degree of product standardization, the gross margin of products with a high degree of customization is higher than that of general products; ③ From the perspective of downstream industries, the gross margin of emerging industries such as photovoltaics, new energy vehicles, and semiconductors is generally higher than that of traditional industries such as consumer electronics; ④ from the perspective of segmented products In other words, microelectronic welding materials are mainly paste, wire, and block, and microelectronics-assisted welding materials are mainly in liquid form. Generally speaking, the gross margin of microelectronics-assisted welding materials is higher than that of microelectronic welding materials.

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