
国家数据局局长重磅发声 未来5年数据基础设施将撬动2万亿投资

The director of the National Bureau of Data made a big statement that data infrastructure will leverage 2 trillion dollars of investment in the next 5 years ·  Nov 24, 2023 07:46

① Liu Liehong, director of the National Bureau of Data, comprehensively defined data infrastructure for the first time. Data infrastructure will also present important opportunities for expanding the scale of the data industry, boosting the data industry ecosystem, and promoting the high-quality development of the digital economy. ② According to preliminary industry estimates, data infrastructure will attract direct investment of about 400 billion yuan a year, driving an investment scale of about 2 trillion yuan over the next 5 years.

Liu Liehong, director of the National Bureau of Data, said that the construction of data infrastructure will, together with the implementation of a data infrastructure system and the implementation of data resource development and utilization, play a role in solving core issues such as data factor property rights confirmation, revenue distribution, transaction circulation, and security management. At the same time, data infrastructure will also present important opportunities for expanding the scale of the data industry, boosting the data industry ecosystem, and promoting the high-quality development of the digital economy. According to preliminary industry estimates, data infrastructure will attract direct investment of about 400 billion yuan a year, driving an investment scale of about 2 trillion yuan over the next five years.

Liu Liehong, director of the National Bureau of Data, comprehensively defined data infrastructure for the first time. Data infrastructure is network facilities, computing power facilities, distribution facilities, and security facilities. The four major infrastructures support the entire process of data gathering, processing, circulation, application, operation, and security from a capability perspective. The data infrastructure clarifies the development foundation and construction priorities of the data element market: data aggregation, data processing, data circulation, data application, data operation, and data security. The Guojin Securities Research Report points out that it is recommended to analyze the data elements from the three dimensions of the supply side, operation side, and safety protection, and select high-quality enterprises with both fundamentals and initial business models for early layout.

According to the Finance Federation's theme library, among the relevant listed companies:

Starring Technology is positioned as an enterprise-level big data basic software developer, and has formed a software product matrix for big data and cloud infrastructure platforms, distributed relational databases, data development and intelligent analysis tools.

Shensanda A has invested heavily in key technology fields such as cloud computing, storage, and data services, and has successively released a series of products such as CECSTACK, container cloud CEake, cloud database CEASqL, and big data platform CeInsight.

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