
A股收评:三大指数齐收涨 复合集流体、汽车零部件等板块涨幅居前

A-share review: the three major indices closed in unison, and sectors such as composite concentrators and auto parts registered the highest gains

Gelonghui Finance ·  Nov 17, 2023 15:02
Gelonghui November 17 | Major A-share indices rose slightly in the afternoon. At the close, the Shanghai Index rose 0.11% to 3054 points, the Shenzhen Composite Index rose 0.25%, and the GEM Index rose 0.43%. More than 3,700 shares in the two markets rose, with transactions of 826.6 billion yuan throughout the day, and net sales of capital going north were 2,859 billion yuan. On the market, the composite fluid collection sector was strong throughout the day; Baoming Technology and Guanghua Technology both rose and stopped; the Chiplet concept rose, Huahai Chengke 20CM rose and stopped; the CPO concept strengthened, and many stocks such as Zhongfu Circuit rose and stopped; the auto parts sector continued to rise, and many stocks such as Fuda Stock rose and stopped; and sectors such as traditional Chinese medicine, optical communication modules, and PCBs registered the highest gains. In addition, Huawei's Euler sector declined, with Tianyuan Deco leading the decline; the real estate services sector declined, and Huangting International fell by more than 9%; the travel sector fluctuated downward, and Yuancheng shares fell about 9%; and the banking, data factors, and aquaculture sectors had the highest declines.

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