
港股异动 | 汛和集团(01591)涨超21% 预计中期纯利不少于3150万港元

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Xunhe Group (01591) rose more than 21% and expects a net profit of not less than HK$31.5 million in the medium term

Zhitong Finance ·  Nov 17, 2023 14:00

Xunhe Group (01591) rose more than 21%. As of press release, it was up 21.05% to HK$0.023, with a turnover of HK$1,090,800.

The Zhitong Finance App learned that Xunhe Group (01591) had risen more than 21%. As of press release, it had risen 21.05% to HK$0.023, with a turnover of HK$1,090,800.

According to the news, Xunhe Group announced yesterday that since many large-scale foundation projects awarded in previous years are at their peak, the Group expects to obtain net profit of about HK$31.5 million to HK$34.5 million for the six months ending September 30, 2023, while net profit of about HK$16.3 million for the same period in 2022 was about HK$16.3 million.

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