

The box office grossed over 700 million in 3 days! How can investors benefit from domestic animated films breaking records?

Wind资讯 ·  Jul 29, 2019 10:05  · 热门

Author: Wind

Source: Wind Information

The Devil Boy of Nezha grossed 700 million at the box office.

As of 22:05 on July 28, the box office of "the Devil's Child of Nezha" released on July 26 has exceeded 700 million yuan, according to Maoyan.

As of 07:22 on July 29th, the box office of "the Devil Child of Nezha" has reached 727 million yuan.

Create a number of box office records for action films

The most popular movie during the summer vacation is Guofang "the Devil's Child of Naju". I haven't been so excited about a movie for a long time! Since its release three days ago, the film has set a record in a row.

On July 26, the domestic animated film "the Devil Child of Nezha" was officially released, with a total box office of 100 million in only 1 hour and 29 minutes, setting a new record for animated films and ranking first at the real-time box office in the same period.

At 00:11 on the 27th, "the Devil Child of Nezha" broke the box office record for an animated film on its first day, and the fastest for an animated film.

At 18:00 on the 27th, the film's box office has reached 350 million, and its release has reached 42.5%, far exceeding the 7.25% of "the return of the Great Saints" that year. With the continuous fermentation of the film's word-of-mouth, the industry generally predicts that "Nezha" will earn more than 2 billion yuan at the box office, surpassing "the return of the Great Saints" to become a domestic animation COVID-19 has no doubt.

At 20:33 on the 27th, the box office exceeded 400 million. "the Devil Boy of Nezha" set a new one-day box office record for animated films.

The movie "the Devil Child of Nezha" grossed 600 million yuan at 16:11 on the evening of the 28th, surpassing the box office record of 605 million yuan for "Bear and Metamorphosis" to become the runner-up at the box office of domestic animated films.

As of 19:12 on the evening of the 28th, the Devil Child of Nezha has grossed 664 million yuan, making it the box office champion of domestic animated films.

People's Daily official Weibo Corp sent a post in the middle of the night to like it.

Nezha was born out of Chinese traditional mythology, so the success of this film is not only the pride of domestic films, but also the pride of Chinese traditional culture.

People's Daily's official Weibo Corp posted a late-night article praising the film. Weibo Corp wrote on the topic of "Hello, tomorrow" that "domestic animation" has grossed more than 100 million yuan at the box office for an hour and a half. The dark circles under the eyes are a bit cute. Li Jing and his wife have a modern education. They also salvage the material of ancient myths and legends, so it is not easy to change the freshness, and it is even more difficult to integrate into contemporary value concerns. Marvel Universe has conquered the world for a long time, but it is a pity that there is no world-class IP,' universe in China. Can it come? rub one's eyes and wait. "

How much does the investor benefit from LightMedia?

"the Devil Boy of Nezha" is a real dark horse at the box office. There was little publicity before the screening, and there was a good harvest of both word-of-mouth and box office after the screening. At present, "Nezha" scraped tickets, scored 9.7, won the top spot at the box office in one day, and crushed the second place "Galaxy cram School".

"the Devil Child of Nezha" is produced by Light Media's Color Strip House Pictures in conjunction with Chengdu Cocoa Animation Film Co., Ltd. The share price of its producer and issuer, Light Media, has risen 19.92% since the release.

According to the latest performance forecast disclosed by Light Media, the company expects net profit of 85 million yuan to 105 million yuan in 2019, down 95.02% from 95.02% in the same period last year. Net profit in the same period last year was 2.107 billion yuan. Affected by the rising film costs and the market downturn, the performance of Light Media has declined significantly, and the emergence of "Nezha" can be said to be a timely help.

In addition, from the performance of Huayi Brothers, Wanda Film, Beijing Culture and Tangde Film and Television in the first half of the year, there has been a decline in varying degrees.

The popularity of "Nezha" reminds us of the dark horse animation "the return of the Great Saints" released in the summer of 2015, which made a counterattack with a good reputation at the box office and finally grossed 956 million yuan at the box office. Can "Nashi" become the king of the summer box office? It's worth looking forward to.

The business of reviving animated films is not easy.

Although the Chinese film box office created a new box office at the single-film level in the first half of 2019, the overall Chinese film box office fell by about 2.7% and the number of moviegoers dropped by 10.3%.

Summer has always been a feast for animated films. New animated films have been released one after another, and many animated films that have already completed their first round of release have also chosen to be re-shown in the summer. Now there are four old films, such as the Origin of the White Snake, which are being re-released. However, it is not easy for these old films to earn a high box office during their re-release.

"Origin of the White Snake" has been released in China since the beginning of July. at the same time, three animated films, "Mommy Duck", "Animal Biscuits of the Magic Circus" and "the embarrassing time Machine", which were released in national cinemas in March 2018, July 2018 and January 2019, are also being re-screened.

Although the above re-screenings have accumulated a certain degree of popularity in the first round of screenings, they have not achieved a high box office level since their re-release. Among them, the highest one-day box office of "Origin of the White Snake" is about 100000 yuan, and at least about 30, 000 yuan. In most cases, the daily box office is between 50, 000 and 70, 000 yuan. In addition, recently, the daily box office of "Mommy Duck" is mostly 30, 000-50, 000 yuan, while "Animal Biscuits of the Magic Circus" is mostly less than 30, 000 yuan.

It is worth noting that the re-screening of animated films has gradually become a trend, and in recent years, many works have chosen to re-show, such as "the Gollum Mermaid", "the time Box of Submarine Mobilization", "the Emerald Star of the Black Cat Sheriff", etc., or aim at International Children's Day, or choose the summer slot to reappear on the big screen.

Organization: cost promotes the final content of the film

Southwest Securities said that the box office began to grow negatively in 2019: in the first half of 2019, the national box office totaled about 31.2 billion yuan (including service fees), down 3% from the level of 32 billion in the same period in 2018. The overall box office market has not found a new growth point. The overall quality of the film has declined, and it is difficult for the national box office to rebound. In the future, the box office growth level will be maintained in a relatively stable range.

The increase in ticket prices suppresses the demand for cinema: the national average ticket price in the first half of 2019 was 38.7 yuan, an increase of more than 9 percent from 35.5 yuan in 2018, which is also the highest level in nearly seven years. The cancellation of ticket subsidies has greatly increased the cost of watching movies, especially during the Spring Festival, ticket prices in third-and fourth-tier cities have risen significantly, and the contradiction between supply and demand has pushed up ticket prices. Coupled with the popularity of online video viewing, it not only gives the audience more choice and convenience, but also impacts the demand of cinemas, resulting in a significant decline in the number of people watching movies.

The first-and second-tier box office is still the main position of the box office: in the first half of 2019, only first-tier cities increased their share of the box office, while second-and third-tier cities showed a very small downward trend. We believe that this change has a lot to do with the sensitivity of all cities to ticket prices. In terms of viewing types, the types of movies in first-and second-tier cities are relatively diverse, science fiction, family and documentary themes all have corresponding audience groups, and the film types preferred by third-and fourth-tier cities are more popular and life-oriented, mostly comedy, plot and love themes.

The year-on-year decline in the box office in the first half of 2019 undoubtedly sounded a wake-up call for the film market. The rapid growth of market dividends for many years has brought the rapid expansion of cinema lines and cinemas, and the cancelled ticket replacement has also brought greater profits to film production and distribution companies. However, the high income obtained by blindly raising ticket prices is only a short-term return. The reduction in the number of moviegoers deprives the market of vitality and gives opportunities to other online video platforms. Film as a cultural industry, the core competitiveness has always been content, what is constantly improving is the expectation of the audience to the viewing experience, and what is constantly changing is the preference for the type of film. Therefore, to create a good reputation of high quality and improve the supporting facilities of the cinema is the primary task.

(Wind integrates Phoenix Entertainment, Sina Finance, Xinhuanet, etc.)

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