
新特电气(301120.SZ)拟斥3000万元至4500万元实施回购 回购价不超17元/股

Xinte Electric (301120.SZ) plans to spend 30 million yuan to 45 million yuan to implement a repurchase price of no more than 17 yuan/share

Zhitong Finance ·  Nov 9, 2023 21:02

According to the Zhitong Finance App, Xinte Electric (301120.SZ) announced that the company plans to use some of the overraised capital to repurchase the company's shares through centralized bidding transactions. The total repurchase capital shall not be less than 30 million yuan (inclusive), no more than 45 million yuan (inclusive), and the price of the repurchase of shares shall not exceed 17.00 yuan/share (inclusive). The period for repurchasing shares is within 12 months from the date the company's board of directors deliberates and approves the share repurchase plan.

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