
创辉珠宝(08537)发布中期业绩 期内溢利124万港元 同比减少53.83%

Chuanghui Jewellery (08537) announced interim results with a profit of HK$1.24 million for the period, a decrease of 53.83% year-on-year

Zhitong Finance ·  Nov 8, 2023 20:09

Chuanghui Jewelry (08537) announced interim results for the six months ended September 30, 2023. The group obtained during the period...

According to the Zhitong Finance App, Chuanghui Jewellery (08537) announced its interim results for the six months ended September 30, 2023. The group obtained revenue of HK$8.08 million during the period, an increase of 11.44% over the previous year; profit for the period was HK$1.24 million, a decrease of 53.83% over the previous year; and a basic profit of HK0.17 cents per share.

According to the announcement, the increase in revenue was mainly due to an increase in revenue of about HK$900,000 for gem-encrusted jewellery products; an increase of about HK$1.5 million in revenue for pure gold products; and an increase of about HK$5.8 million in revenue from recycled gold products trade. This increase is mainly due to the consumption intentions of local citizens and the continued recovery in the flow of people in the Group's stores.

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