
力合微(688589)2023Q3业绩点评:业绩符合预期 第三季度收入高增长

Lihewei (688589) 2023Q3 performance review: Performance is in line with expectations and high revenue growth in the third quarter

國泰君安 ·  Oct 26, 2023 00:00

This report is read as follows:

The results were in line with market expectations, with a substantial increase in revenue in the third quarter. In the dual-mode era of the power grid market, the market share is expected to continue to increase, while opening up the terminal market of the Internet of things. Great efforts will be made to distribute photovoltaic, high-speed rail and other non-grid markets.

Main points of investment:

Maintain earnings forecasts, target prices and overweight ratings. It is estimated that the net profit of homing from 2023 to 2025 is 1.28 million yuan, and the corresponding EPS is 1.27 million yuan and 1.80 yuan, respectively.

In view of the high growth of the company's power grid business, smooth progress in non-power grid areas and rapid performance growth, maintain the target price of 59.48 yuan and increase the rating.

The results were in line with market expectations, with a substantial increase in revenue in the third quarter. In the first three quarters, the company realized income of 448 million yuan, year-on-year + 28.25%, and net profit of 81 million yuan, + 58.30%, and non-net profit of 73 million yuan, + 106.32% of the same period last year. By the end of the reporting period, the order on hand was 185 million yuan, which was + 11.41% compared with the same period last year.

In the dual-mode era of the power grid market, the market share is expected to continue to increase, while opening up the terminal market of the Internet of things. In 2022, the national network vigorously promoted high-speed dual-mode, and the company's market share increased significantly in the national network dual-mode bidding in the fourth quarter of 2022 and the first half of 2023. At the same time, with the continuous development of the power grid terminal market, the national network concentrator terminal independently developed by the company won the bid in the unified public bidding of the national network concentrator terminal in the first half of 2023.

Great efforts will be made to distribute photovoltaic, high-speed rail and other non-grid markets, and the share of revenue is expected to increase this year. The fast turn-off module of photovoltaic module based on the independently developed PLC photovoltaic chip has been certified by the international CSA testing and certification body, and has opened up a number of new customers in the integration of intelligent micro-inverse, group cascade inverter monitoring, intelligent optimizer, intelligent photovoltaic bracket and home distributed photovoltaic energy storage, and broadened more applications for the photovoltaic new energy market segment. In the first half of 2023, the company continued to win the tender for the intelligent power consumption management system of high-speed rail, and the market performance of high-speed rail is expected to expand in the second half of the year.

Risk tips: a high degree of dependence on power grid companies, non-power grid market development is not as expected.

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