
Dove 攜手 Nike 推出 BODY CONFIDENT SPORT,首個旨在增強女性身體自信的綫上教練計劃

Dove teams up with Nike to launch BODY CONFIDENT SPORT, the first online coaching program aimed at boosting women's body confidence

PR Newswire ·  Oct 26, 2023 22:07

ThroughVENUS WILLIAMS Cooperation with Dove andLAURIE HERNANDEZCooperation with Nike will help raise the profile of the program, launched in New York on October 24, 2023.

Engelwood Cleves, New JerseyOctober 26, 2023/ PR Newswire /-Girls who take part in sports and exercise since puberty are more confident about their bodies, and this self-confidence will have a positive impact on them for the rest of their lives. However,DoveUnionNikeNew research has found that there are45%Ten percent of adolescent girls are twice as likely to give up sports as boys, and physical confidence is the biggest trigger.

Dove, the world's largest provider of self-esteem and physical confidence education, partnered with sporting goods giant Nike to launch the Body Confident Sport online coaching program for the first time. This is the first of its kind, using scientifically proven training tools to help girls between the ages of 11 and 17 build physical confidence.

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Dove joined hands with Venus Williams and young athletes to celebrate the launch of Body Confident Sport. Body Confident Sport is the first online coaching program of its kind developed by Dove in conjunction with Nike to help girls around the world build physical confidence. Photo Source: JP Yim for Getty

The coach plays a powerful exemplary role in creating a positive training environment for girls, focusing on self-esteem rather than performance. In fact, 83% of girls surveyed in the United States said their coach made them more confident, while 61% of girls were interested in their coach's explanation of physical confidence.

The two brands jointly develop courses with world-renowned expert institutions, includingAppearance Research Center(CAR)AndTuckerWomen's Sports Research CenterIt took two years to jointly developBody Confident SportFocus on the new findings on the effects of sports environment on girls' physical confidence and self-esteem.

Tennis champions and entrepreneursVenus WilliamsIn cooperation with Dove, he pointed out: "in sports, girls are often under great pressure, not only because of their performance and ability, but also because of unrealistic expectations of their appearance. I am very excited to be able to participate in this program and work with Dove to help girls develop self-confidence, create a positive environment and shift their attention to their appearance to their personal abilities. Our common goal is to make sports a more inclusive and friendly environment for girls around the world to participate. "

"We recognize that sports can bring great benefits to girls, "said the Olympic gold medalist.Laurie HernandezCoaches and athletes have the same responsibility and need to work together to create an inclusive environment and a positive experience, so that every girl has the opportunity to explore the charm of sports. Exercise helps to improve self-confidence, which will enable girls to enjoy and devote themselves to the sports they love for the rest of their lives. It is also an honor for me to work with Nike to supportBody Confident SportThe reason. "

When girls enter puberty, their bodies change significantly. These changes make them likely to receive attention and comments on their bodies and appearance during exercise and exercise.

According toDoveAndNikeNew findings show that the sports environment can have an impact on a girl's physical confidence and self-esteem:

  • In the United States, 48% of girls choose to give up exercise when they are told that they are not physically fit for exercise, while 56% have experienced materialization or discrimination because of their appearance.1.1
  • 51% of girls choose to give up when they are told that they are not good enough.
  • However, girls know the benefits of exercise, and 69% of girls think that if they exercise longer, they will be more confident about their bodies.

Body Confident SportThe online coaching tool has been proven to reduce self-materialization and enhance physical self-esteem, which will be extended to schools and sports clubs through the global network. The program builds on the long-standing commitment of Nike and Dove to support girls and aims to reach more than 1 million young people around the world.

Since 2004, Dove has been committed to providing the next generation with the tools to build physical confidence and self-esteem so that young people can no longer be hindered. As the world's leading provider of self-esteem and physical confidence education for girls, we have a responsibility to help girls where their self-esteem is threatened. Sports have the potential to make girls confident and strong, but for many girls, their judgment and criticism in the sports environment hurt their confidence and limit their self-confidence. We are very proud to work with like-minded brands like Nike to seek a fair future for girls both inside and outside the playground, "said Alessandro Manfredi, director of marketing at Dove.

"Nike believes that all children should have the opportunity to participate in sports, and we strive to expand the play and sports space for girls who are less involved in sports," Nike, Inc. Vanessa Garcia-Brito, vice president and director of social and community impact, said, "Girls around the world face complex cultural and social barriers. They join sports later and give up sports earlier." Our cooperation with Dove and our unique focus on physical confidence are designed to change that. We act together to break down barriers and create lifelong confidence for girls by providing coaches with guidance tools. We are committed to shifting our attention to physical appearance to physical ability, so that more girls can keep exercising and realize the benefits of exercise. We believe that we are training the next generation of female leaders and reformers who will lead the world forward. "

For more information, please visit And Body Confident Sport plan.

Contact information:

Nike:Sandra Carreon-John ([email protected])
Dove:Samantha Colton ([email protected])

About this study

Dove and Nike conducted a survey to reveal girls' sports experiences and their impact on their self-confidence, as well as the reasons behind girls' giving up exercise and potential solutions.

The survey invited 4917 children of different ages, ethnicities and socioeconomic backgrounds from Brazil, Canada, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States to participate in a 15-minute online survey.

The subjects were 3560 girls aged between 9 and 17 (about 500in each country) and 1391 boys aged between 9 and 17 (about 200in each country). They all obtained the consent of their parents or legal guardians before they participated in the survey.

AboutBody Confident SportBody Confident Sport provides coaches with the materials they need to tailor their mentoring activities to stimulate body image confidence and help girls keep exercising. The program brings together the views of girls and coaches from six countries, including France, India, Japan, Mexico, the United Kingdom and the United States, and the course includes scientifically proven tools. These course tools have been tested in clinical trials of 1200 girls and have been shown to boost girls' self-esteem and physical confidence.

AboutDOVESelf-esteem planDove is the world's largest provider of self-esteem education, providing free academically proven tools for parents, teachers, mentors and children through the Dove self-esteem program for nearly two decades. To date, the Dove self-esteem Program has reached more than 100 million young people in 150 countries and regions, and plans to help 250 million young people by the end of 2030.

AboutDoveFounded in the United States in 1957, Dove is based on Beauty Bar and features a patented blend of mild cleansers and a quarter moisturizer. Dove's tradition is based on moisturizing and its effect has been proven in the market. as a result, Dove has grown from Beauty Bar to one of the most popular beauty brands in the world. Women have always been our inspiration, and from the very beginning, we have been committed to providing excellent care for all women and promoting true beauty in our advertisements. Dove believes that everyone has a beautiful side. Beauty should bring happiness, not anxiety. Dove's mission is to inspire women everywhere to form the right view of appearance and realize their potential beauty.

For 60 years, Dove has been working tirelessly to expand the narrow definition of beauty. Through "Dove Real Beauty Pledge", Dove promises:

  • Depict women who are sincere, diverse and dignified. Show women of different ages, bodies, ethnicities, hair colors, types and styles.
  • There is no digital distortion to depict women in real life, and all images are allowed by the displayed women.
  • As the world's largest self-esteem education provider, it helps young people build physical self-confidence and self-esteem through the Dove self-esteem program.

AboutNikeNIKE, Inc. Headquartered in Beaverton, Oregon, USA, is the world's leading sports and fitness activities of sports shoes, sportswear, sports equipment and sports accessories design, marketing and distribution company. Converse is NIKE, Inc. Wholly owned affiliated brands engaged in the design, marketing and distribution of sports lifestyle sports shoes, sportswear and sports accessories. For more information, please visit NIKE, Inc. Earnings announcement and other financial information. Individuals can also go to and track NIKE on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube.

1.1Question: how often do you encounter the following situations (if any) during exercise? Please think about your past and present experiences. The total number of girls interviewed was n = 3.560, and the total number of girls who gave up sports was n = 1301.



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