
梦网科技(002123)2023年三季报点评:三季度业绩阶段性承压 重要合同签署有望带来业绩支撑

Dream Network Technology (002123) 2023 Third Quarter Report Review: The third quarter results are under phased pressure and the signing of important contracts is expected to bring performance support

華創證券 ·  Oct 26, 2023 16:17


On October 25, Dreamnet Technology released its third-quarter report of 2023. In the first three quarters, the company achieved operating income of 3.33 billion yuan, an increase of 34.19% over the same period last year, and its net profit was 5.1417 million yuan, down 72.58% from the same period last year.


Income maintains rapid growth, and performance is under pressure periodically. In the first three quarters, the company's revenue increased by 34.19% compared with the same period last year, mainly due to the increase in the scale of sales business. Among them, 5G rich media news and international cloud communications business increased rapidly, and business revenue increased by 97.64% and 241.64%, respectively.

With the signing of important contracts, operators are expected to speed up the reading of letters for commercial users, providing support for the company's future performance growth. The signing of this agreement marks the landing of the final node of the business process of 5G reading products, which is of great significance for improving the construction of 5G message product matrix, promoting the ecological maturity of 5G message and mining the commercial value of 5G message. We believe that there is an urgent need for new SMS products to increase revenue due to the continuous pressure on the increase of operators' short message service income, the higher reading value of 5G than traditional SMS, and the higher recognition of downstream B-end customers. therefore, operators are expected to accelerate the commercial landing of 5G reading, and the company and China Mobile Limited have completed the signing of the cooperation agreement on 5G reading, and the growth of future performance is expected to get important support.

Deeply participate in Huawei news product cooperation, combined with Pangu model to build "AI+5G message". The company has established a profound cooperative relationship with Huawei on news products, and is deeply involved in the product development of Huawei Cloud's one-stop rich media messaging service KooMessage, which has won Huawei Cloud's "Industrial Innovation contribution Award", Huawei Terminal Cloud Service "Ecological Prosperity Award" and "Outstanding partner of the year Award". Some of the company's products have been adapted based on Hongmeng system, and will continue to deepen cooperation with Huawei. In addition, the company has signed a business cooperation framework agreement with Huawei Yunpan ancient model, combined with Huawei's Pangu model construction "AI+5G News", will integrate Huawei Cloud artificial intelligence message products, and further build AI shopping guide robot products and "brocade case" intelligent creation tools, and further explore the potential of the combination of messaging service scenarios.

Profit forecast, valuation and investment rating. Considering that the landing pace of operator 5G is slower than expected, we downgrade our 2023 forecast, and we expect the company's operating income to be 53.86,69.06 and 7.85 billion yuan respectively from 2023 to 2025, and the net profit belonging to the parent company is 1.01,4.85 and 664 million yuan respectively (the previous value is 2.15,4.82 and 635 million yuan), corresponding to EPS 0.13,0.60 and 0.82 yuan respectively, maintaining the "strong push" rating.

Risk hint: macroeconomic trends and policies are lower than expected, SMS prices of operators continue to rise, poor management leads to continuous provision of goodwill, provision for impairment of assets, and new business such as 5G letter reading is not as expected.

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