

CICC: An Analysis of the Impact of the Stamp Duty Reduction in Hong Kong

中金點睛 ·  Oct 26, 2023 11:01

Source: Zhongjin Dim Sum

Hong Kong Government Announces Stamp Duty Reduction: Boosting Hong Kong Stock Market Liquidity

It was announced on October 25 that Hong Kong's stamp duty rate will be reduced from 0.13% to 0.1%.The Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Li Jiachao, proposed in the 2023 “Policy Address” that the stamp duty rate for stock transactions will be lowered from the current 0.13% to 0.1%, thereby reducing investors' transaction costs and boosting market sentiment, so as to enhance the competitiveness of the Hong Kong stock market [1]. The HKSAR Government plans to submit it to the Legislative Council for first reading on November 1 and complete the legislative process by the end of November.

Stamp duty was raised two years ago due to fiscal pressure, and now the reduction is aimed at boosting liquidity in the Hong Kong stock market.In March 2021, the Hong Kong government raised the stock stamp duty rate for the first time from 0.1% to 0.13%. This adjustment, compounded by rising interest rates and concerns about inflation at the time, clearly put pressure on the Hong Kong stock market (“What is the impact of the increase in stamp duty on stocks in Hong Kong?”). Since the beginning of the year, the liquidity trend of Hong Kong stocks has been declining. Currently, the daily turnover is close to a historically low level. Previously, during the “Policy Address” consultation period and when the HKSAR Government set up the Liquidity Task Force in August, lowering the stamp duty was also one of the widely discussed options.

What is the impact of lowering stamp duty? Improve sentiment in the short term and increase liquidity in the medium to long term; more measures to boost liquidity are not ruled out in the future

There have been three cuts in history, and this reduction or reduction in fiscal revenue by about HK$12.3 billion.Since 1993, Hong Kong stocks have experienced three stamp duty cuts: from 0.15% to 0.125% on April 1, 1998; 0.125% from 0.125% to 0.1125% on April 7, 2000; and 0.1% from 0.1125% on 2001/9/1.From the perspective of fiscal revenue,According to previous estimates by the HKSAR Government, reducing stamp duty to 0.1% would reduce government revenue by about HK$12.3 billion, equivalent to 2% of fiscal revenue in 2022. The impact is relatively limited. Stock transaction stamp duty revenue for FY2022 was HK$53.1 billion, and total stamp duty revenue was approximately HK$70 billion, accounting for 11% of total revenue of HK$622.1 billion.

As far as the market is concerned, in the short term, stamp duty cuts may be more of an emotional boost to the market.According to historical experience, after the stamp duty is lowered, the index level is expected to experience a phased boost, but the rules are not consistent, which also shows that the continued rebound also requires more fundamental factors to cooperate;In the medium to long term,Reducing stamp duty is conducive to reducing transaction friction costs, enhancing market liquidity, and increasing the center of market transaction volume.

► Send positive signals in the short term, or improve market sentiment.From the perspective of market turnover, the average daily turnover since this year has dropped from a high of HK$160 billion to the current HK$60 billion, with an average of around HK$100 billion. If the stamp duty rate were to be reduced by 0.03%, a rough estimate would correspond to a daily reduction of approximately HK$33 million in additional costs. Although this reduction is not significant, the symbolic significance is greater than reality, demonstrating the Hong Kong government's intention to boost market liquidity. Past historical experience also shows that although the impact of the stamp duty adjustment measures seems to be limited in terms of the overall amount, in an environment where market sentiment continues to be sluggish, it may be an opportunity to improve sentiment, but a more continuous rebound requires more fundamental factors to cooperate.

► Reduce transaction costs and improve market liquidity in the medium to long term.Judging from the overall transaction costs, the current share of 0.2757% of transaction fees for Hong Kong stocks is significantly higher than that of other markets, where stamp duty accounts for a high share. Currently, the vast majority of developed economies' stock markets do not levy stamp duty (such as the US, Germany, Japan, Australia, etc.). The A-share market has also lowered the stamp duty rate from 0.1% to 0.05% since August 27, 2023. The current 0.13% bilateral stamp duty rate of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange is significantly higher than that of other major markets. The 2020 stamp duty exemption mechanism for market makers contributed to a marked increase in ETF trading activity. Twelve months after the stamp duty relief measures were introduced on August 1, 2020, the average daily turnover of affected Hong Kong stock ETFs increased by nearly 40%, while the average daily turnover of other ETFs fell by 37.8%.

A liquidity group was set up in August this year to focus on subsequent initiatives to improve liquidity.Looking ahead, after the stamp duty is lowered, the Hong Kong Stock Liquidity Task Force does not rule out introducing further measures, which may include: short-term reduction of transaction costs (reduction of stamp duty, reduction of transaction commissions, reduction or elimination of Hong Kong Stock Connect dividend tax); lowering the investment threshold in the medium term and broadening the scope of investment (appropriately easing the entry threshold for Hong Kong Stock Connect, further expanding the scope of investment in Hong Kong Stock Connect; continuously optimizing the listing system); and long-term activation of product innovation (optimizing the Hong Kong Venture Market mechanism, setting up a professional board for professional investors, etc.).

Policy Address 2023: Seize opportunities and advantages, develop new growth points; focus on potential measures of the Liquidity Group

In addition to lowering stamp duty, this Policy Address further proposes to seize opportunities and advantages and develop new growth points.The main points of the 2022 Policy Address are to consolidate its status as a financial center, enhance core competitiveness, face up to people's livelihood issues, and strengthen integration with the mainland (“Interpreting the 2022 HKSAR Government Policy Address”). Now that the one-year period has passed, according to the progress of the project indicators specified in the 2022 Policy Address, most projects, including increasing land supply and increasing the supply of public housing, have been determined to meet the schedule or have been implemented. On the basis and framework of the previous one,The 2023 Policy Address emphasizes that while dealing with short-term internal and external challenges, further seizing and utilizing opportunities and advantages, and developing new economic growth points.

The current Policy Address continues to focus on the economy and people's livelihood after building on the past.On the one hand, the report suggests continuing to “grab enterprises,” “grab talents,” and “promote innovation and technology” to enhance Hong Kong's development momentum. On the other hand, the SAR government also plans to explore new growth points and promote the development of emerging strategic industries such as innovative technology, cultural creativity, pharmaceutical research and development, traditional Chinese medicine, and new energy transportation. Judging from specific measures, in addition to lowering stamp duty measures, promoting liquidity in the stock market, expanding offshore RMB services, and setting up government-led funds, etc., we expect that it will also help attract more southbound inflows and overseas capital accumulation, and help make full use of location advantages and endowments.

The Policy Address suggests that Hong Kong will continue to give full play to Hong Kong's advantages of “being backed by the motherland and connecting the world,” but it is also necessary to make up for its shortcomings.Hong Kong's greatest advantage lies in the fact that, on the one hand, it is backed by the mainland's “big market” in all aspects of factor resources, and at the same time, the convenience and flexibility of the “one country, two systems” as a bridge connecting the world.

Chart 1: Short-term phased rebound in the Hong Kong stock market stamp duty reduction index

Source: Bloomberg, CICC Research Division

Chart 2: Stamp duty reduction in Hong Kong stock market, central increase in medium- to long-term turnover

Source: Bloomberg, CICC Research Division

Chart 3: The Hong Kong Government's stamp duty revenue and share over the years

Source: Wind, CICC Research Division

Chart 4: Stamp duty in the Hong Kong market is significantly higher than in other markets

Source: Bloomberg, CICC Research Division

Chart 5: The average daily trading volume of affected ETFs increased by nearly 40% after relief

Source: Bloomberg, CICC Research Division

Chart 6: The average daily trading volume of affected ETFs increased before and after the relief

Source: Bloomberg, CICC Research Division

Chart 7: Performance of the stamp duty sector with two cuts in 2000 and 2001

Source: Wind, CICC Research Division

Chart 8: Sorting out the key points of the 2023 Hong Kong Special Administrative Region's “Policy Address”


The translation is provided by third-party software.

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