
靠资产处置支撑业绩 高基数下稳健医疗前三季度扣非净利下降超四成|财报解读

Relying on asset disposal to support a high performance base, steady medical care deducted non-net profit fell by more than 40% in the first three quarters|Interpretation of financial reports ·  Oct 24, 2023 08:37

① in the same period last year infection protection products brought high base influence, sound medical revenue in the first three quarters of this year fell by more than 20% compared with the same period last year, but due to the increase in asset disposal income, net profit growth; ② for Q3 deduction of non-net profit decline, the company said, mainly due to the decline in sales revenue of infection protection products in the medical sector and the decline in gross profit margin brought about by changes in the structure of medical products.

Financial Associated Press, October 24 (Reporter Lu Tingting)Under the influence of the high base of infection protection products in the same period last year, 300888.SZ 's revenue fell by more than 20% in the first three quarters of this year compared with the same period last year. However, due to the accounting treatment of the sound industrial park urban renewal project during the reporting period, the company's net profit increased in the first three quarters.

On the evening of October 23rd, healthy Medical released its third quarterly report, showing that the company's revenue from January to September this year was 6.01 billion yuan, down 21.35% from the same period last year; the net profit of returning to its mother was 2.148 billion yuan, up 71.78% from the same period last year; deducting 621 million yuan from non-net profit, down 45.95% from the same period last year; the net cash flow of operating activities was 222 million yuan, down 81.6% from the same period last year.

On a quarterly basis, the company achieved revenue of 1.744 billion yuan in the third quarter, down 29.82% from the same period last year; net profit from its mother was 1.466 billion yuan, up 310.15% from the same period last year; and deducting 70.8472 million yuan from non-net profit, down 78.41% from the same period last year.

As for the "increase" in Q3 net profit, healthy Medical explained in the financial report that it was mainly due to the increase in income from asset disposal of urban renewal and renovation projects.

As for the "decline" in Q3 deduction of non-net profit, the company said it was mainly due to the decrease in sales revenue of infection protection products in the medical sector and the decline in gross profit margin brought about by changes in the structure of medical products. The relevant person in charge of the company told the reporter that the proportion of epidemic prevention products decreased and the proportion of conventional products increased, resulting in a change in structure compared with last year.

Specifically, medical consumables and healthy consumer goods are the two main businesses of sound healthcare. The infection protection products in the medical consumables plate include masks, protective clothing, isolation clothing and so on. Since the beginning of this year, under the influence of low moving pin and high base, the operating income of infection protection products has dropped significantly, which has dragged down the overall revenue of the medical sector. Financial data show that the overall revenue of the sound medical consumables business fell 38.32% in the first three quarters compared with the same period last year, and the company pointed out that it was mainly affected by the reduced demand for infection protection products.

Excluding infection protection products, robust medical routine medical consumables products achieved a cumulative revenue of 2.178 billion yuan in the first three quarters, an increase of 25.93% over the same period last year. It is reported that revenue from high-end wound dressings and operating room consumables products increased by more than 70% in the first half of the year compared with the same period last year. The head of the company said that the growth of high-end dressings and operating room consumables in the first half of the year was endogenous growth on the one hand and epitaxial mergers and acquisitions on the other.

Healthy consumer goods sector, products include cotton towels, cotton surface sanitary napkins, cotton wipes and other non-woven consumer goods and baby products and clothing, home textiles and clothing and other textile consumer goods. In the first three quarters of this year, the total revenue of this sector reached 2.96 billion yuan, an increase of 9.22% over the same period last year.

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