
顺控发展(003039.SZ)及控股子公司顺控环投拟合计收购沧州京投10%股权暨增资 提升垃圾焚烧发电板块处理能力

Shunkong Development (003039.SZ) and its holding subsidiary Shunkong Environmental Investment plan to acquire a total of 10% of Cangzhou Jingzhou Investment's shares and increase capital to enhance the processing capacity of the waste incineration power g

Zhitong Finance ·  Oct 23, 2023 20:59

Zhitong Financial APP News, Shun Control Development (003039.SZ) announcement, the company held the 20th meeting of the third session of the board of directors to examine and approve the "proposal on the acquisition of equity and capital increase of Cangzhou Jingtou Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd." It is agreed that the company and its holding subsidiary Guangdong Shun Control Environmental Investment Co., Ltd. ("Shun Control Ring Investment") and Tianjin Shoucheng Environmental Protection Technology Partnership (Limited Partnership) ("Tianjin Shoucheng"), Cangzhou Jing Tou Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. ("target company" or "Cangzhou Beijing Investment") signed the "Equity transfer Agreement". The company and Shun Control Ring Investment acquired 6% and 4% of the underlying company held by Tianjin Shoucheng respectively. It is agreed that the company, Shun Control Ring Investment and Beijing Capital Environmental Protection Co., Ltd. ("Beijing Environmental Protection") and the target company will sign a "capital increase and share expansion contract" to increase the registered capital of the target company to 158562155.58 yuan. The company and Shun Control Ring Investment contributed a total of 168000000.00 yuan in equity transfer and capital increase. After the completion of the transaction, the company will hold 49.78% of the equity of the target company, and Shun Control Ring Investment will hold 33.19% of the equity of the target company, and the target company will become the controlling subsidiary of the company and be included in the scope of the consolidated statement.

After the completion of this acquisition, the company will enhance the daily processing capacity and operation scale of the waste incineration power generation sector. at the same time, the company can integrate the excellent talents and technical resources of the target company and enhance coordination with the existing business. to further improve the management and profitability of waste incineration power generation business.

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