

The lowest price for “Blood Race”! The Double 11 e-commerce war started ahead of schedule. What's different this year?

Gelonghui Finance ·  Oct 23, 2023 07:13

Source: Gelonghui
Author: Mo Mian

Is it really a gimmick or is it really cheap?

The annual Double Eleven is coming soon, and all major platforms are ready to go.

On October 20, Tmall announced the 2023 “Double 11" gameplay. As of October 22, Pinduoduo, JD, Suning Tesco, Station B, Xiaohongshu, and Douyin have all announced the “Double 11" strategy.

Since November 11, 2009, “Double 11” has now reached its 15th year. From the first “one-man show” that was discounted online on Tmall, it has become a year-end drama that has taken all e-commerce platforms by storm.

It is worth noting that for “Double 11" this year, although the details of the promotion were different, they all shouted the slogan “lowest price” at the same time, and the discount rules were simplified one after another, so as to directly hit the hearts of consumers.

The battle for the “lowest price” has begun!

Similar to 618 in the middle of the year, low prices are still the common theme of this year's Double Eleven retail giants.


Tmall's “Double 11" in 2023 will officially launch on October 24 at 8 p.m. According to reports, at the previous Tmall Double Eleven launch meeting,Taotian Group directly called for the “lowest price on the entire network” as its core goal this time.According to reports, Tmall launched an “official discount” on a large scale for the first time on the basis of a total reduction across stores this year. It is expected that more than 80 million products will drop to the lowest price for the whole year.In addition, for the first time this year, Tmall also added the “Double 11 Day Low Price” campaign.

Taobao Tmall said that on the basis of 300 minus 50 across stores, a new “official discount” rule with a direct price reduction of 15% or more and a new “everyday low price” campaign were added this year. Taobao Live will also send 1 billion yuan in red envelopes and launch a “flash drop” campaign. There is no need to round up orders for flash drop products during the live broadcast.


JD announced that its “Double 11" event will officially begin at 8 p.m. on October 23. At the “JD 11.11 is really cheap” launch conference on October 19, JD saidThis year, JD will no longer pre-sell on Double Eleven, but instead chose to sell in stock and directly launch all major promotions, including cross-store promotions such as 299 yuan minus 50 yuan, 20 yuan in welfare benefits, participation in doubling 10 billion subsidized products, and lowering the free shipping threshold for self-operated products.At the same time, JD also proposed services such as “double the purchase price” and “full price insurance for over 800 million products”.


Pinduoduo's activity schedule has not changed much from last year; it is from October 20 to November 13.

According to what the media learned from Pinduoduo, its 10 billion subsidy will launch the “Single Item Reduction” campaign for the first time. Additional official subsidies will be distributed for products participating in the campaign, and there will be no upper limit on investment. Currently, the first batch of brand products to participate in this event has exceeded 20,000. “Benefiting from consumers' preference for cost-effective products, the 10 billion subsidy channel has become a powerful engine for the brand's rapid growth.” The person in charge of the Pinduoduo 10 billion subsidy said this.


Douyin started a pre-sale race on October 15, covering popular categories such as snacks, beauty, personal care, home care, jewelry, and down jackets. After the pre-sale for key categories ended, the “Douyin Mall Double 11 Good Things Festival” deposit pre-sale officially began in full on October 20.

Douyin e-commerce said that this year's “Double 11" promotion will continue for 23 days and end on November 11. During the event, the platform will launch an official discount campaign. The price of a single product will drop by 15%, with the aim of enabling consumers to buy good products at low prices without having to adapt to complicated cross-store full reduction rules. Douyin e-commerce will also be funded by the platform during the event, and 100 million consumer vouchers will be issued one after another. They can be used in combination with individual product discounts. You can enjoy a maximum discount of 300 yuan off 80 yuan.

Quick hand

On October 18, the Kuaishou E-Commerce Double Eleven Promotion launched pre-sale, and the “Kuaishou Mall” tab page was launched simultaneously on the app. During the pre-sale period, users who pay a deposit can enjoy preferential benefits of up to 15% off of the final payment. Following the launch of the pre-sale, Kuaishou E-commerce and China Taibao Insurance's “Genuine Product Insurance” project were simultaneously launched in full on the big-name Dabao channel to protect consumers' rights and interests with a cumulative compensation amount of 10 million.


Vipshop's “Double 11" promotion will begin at 8 p.m. on October 20, and advance purchases will continue until November 14 at 10 a.m. Vipshop emphasized that from the consumer's point of view, during this year's promotion period, Vipshop abandoned the routine and adhered to the principle of simplifying discount rules. Consumers can enjoy value-added discounts on a single product without having to round up orders.

Suning Tesco

Suning Tesco's “Double 11" will begin on October 23. First, it will launch spot sales, and then enter the final pre-sale discount. The promotion will continue until November 10. In terms of discounts, Suning Tesco will launch benefits such as a 200-plus reduction of 30 across stores, all product exchanges, and large membership allowances.

It is worth noting that this year, the content platform Site B and Xiaohongshu also actively sought change, becoming a new entry point for “Double 11" cross-border integration.

This year, “Double 11,” the original “Member Purchase” portal at the bottom of Station B's mobile app will be temporarily renamed “Double 11,” and a new “Tmall Double 11” section will be added to directly display Tmall products, and support clicking to the Tmall page for purchase.

Xiaohongshu also announced at the “2023 Xiaohongshu Double Eleven E-commerce Partner Mobilization Meeting” that it will invest 10 billion dollars in traffic support and 100 million in subsidies during the “Double 11” period to help buyers and merchants develop in Xiaohongshu.

To buy or not to buy?

It's easy to see that now the actions of major e-commerce platforms have proved once again. As the most solemn promotion point in the second half of the year, Double 11 is an important stage for all companies to boost their performance and show off their muscles.

However, it is important to note that different opinions have already appeared on the Internet about Double 11, a major promotion campaign that has been going on for more than ten years.Some people think “Double 11 is the Spring Festival for consumers, and they must participate strongly,” but others think, “Under the impact of live e-commerce, Double 11 has lost the special features of the past and is not worth paying special attention to.”Also, judging from recent data, Double 11 doesn't seem to be as lively as usual.

On the 20th, China News Network Weibo launched a survey on “Are you planning to stock up on 'Double 11' this year?” The results showed that most netizens chose “not to buy” and “depending on the situation.” However, looking at previous years, netizens have always been “stubborn and honest,” and in the end, they may still not be able to help but place orders.

According to the data, online shopping is still one of the shopping methods preferred by consumers. According to news from the Ministry of Commerce website on the 20th, online retail has had a remarkable effect on driving consumption. In the first three quarters, the National Online New Year Festival and the Double Product Online Shopping Festival held a series of more than 100 events to fully explore and unleash consumption potential.

According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, in January-September, online retail sales nationwide reached 10.8 trillion yuan, an increase of 11.6%, higher than the growth rate of total retail sales of consumer goods by 4.8 percentage points. The contribution rate of zero physical Internet to zero social growth reached 33.9%.


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