

While the Hang Seng Index is falling, Hong Kong Stock Connect capital purchases are accelerating

格隆汇 ·  Oct 19, 2017 15:59

Gelonghui News on the 19th. The Hang Seng Index, which experienced a clear decline after 14:30, once fell more than 2% intraday, the biggest one-day decline in more than 2 months. Although there has been a slight recovery so far, the decline is still around 1.5%. However, it is worth noting that Hong Kong Stock Connect's capital showed an accelerated buying trend during the afternoon decline. The net inflow of capital from Hong Kong Stock Connect in the morning was less than 1 billion yuan. Up to now, the latest net inflow was 2,211 million yuan, of which Hong Kong Stock Connect (Shanghai) had a net inflow of 1,568 million yuan and Hong Kong Stock Connect (Shenzhen) had a net inflow of 643 million yuan.

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