
皓天财经集团受邀出席伦交所 (LSEG)"第6届资本市场中国研讨会" 参与主题讨论共促资本市场繁荣发展

Haotian Financial Group was invited to attend the “6th Capital Market China Seminar” of the LSEG (LSEG) to participate in the theme discussion to promote the prosperity and development of the capital market

Gelonghui Finance ·  Oct 19, 2023 11:24

On October 17th, the 6th LSEG Capital Markets China Seminar, sponsored by the London Stock Exchange (LSEG), was held in Beijing. The seminar attracted a number of senior executives from investment banks, law firms, listed companies and other financial professional services. At the meeting, guests expressed their views on cross-border depositary receipts, investor exchanges, ESG and other issues, conducted in-depth discussions, collided with the spark of wisdom.

The seminar was welcomed by Julia Hoggett, CEO of the London Stock Exchange, Sun Lijun, co-head of global investment banking at UBS Securities, delivered a keynote speech, and Guo Yukang, managing director of Deutsche Bank and co-head of M & An in Greater China, shared his insights on M & A transactions. The two panel discussions were chaired by Charlie Walker, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the London Stock Exchange, and Chen Fang, Managing Director of Greater China and North Asia, LSEG data and Analytics. Finally, Edward Edward, chief representative of the Beijing Representative Office of the London Stock Exchange, delivered a closing speech and the event came to a successful conclusion.

The successful holding of this seminar provides a platform for professionals to explore future capital market opportunities and development direction, and promotes international exchanges and cooperation in the financial industry. In the panel discussion of "Cross-border Depositary receipts (Global Depositary receipts and Chinese Depositary receipts)", Xu Hong, partner of Linklaters Law firm, Francis Giglio, Chief Executive Officer and Global Director of Depositary receipt relationship Management of Bank of New York Mellon, Hong Kong Branch, he Kuang, CEO of Yongtai Technology, Xu Jia, Managing Director of China International Capital Corporation and Executive head of Investment Banking Department, as the sharing guests. They each expressed insights on the current situation and future prospects of the issuance of cross-border depositary receipts in the world and China.

In the group discussion of "Investor Exchange and ESG", Su Gang, Chief Investment Officer of Taibao Group, Li Zhuwen, Director of Sustainable Development of China International Marine Containers, Liu Xinyi Joyce, Director of International Business of Haotian Financial Group, Zhu Ling, Director of Capital Markets of CDP, and Li Jian, Director of FTSE Russell China of LSEG, served as the sharing guests. Among them, Ms. Liu Xinyi Joyce stressed the status and importance of ESG in the current listing investment, and discussed the possible challenges that IR and ESG may face in the future. She believes, "to realize the importance of ESG, only through this comprehensive integration can enterprises truly achieve the goal of ESG, achieve long-term sustainable development, and create shared value for shareholders, employees, customers and society."


(photo: Ms. Liu Xinyi Joyce, Director of International Business of Haotian Financial Group, participated in the theme discussion)

In 2023, under the background of the gradual recovery of the global economy, as a large communications consulting group that can serve the needs of financial communications in A-share market, Hong Kong stock market, Singapore market and US stock market at the same time, Haotian Finance actively gives full play to its own advantages to provide professional services for IPO listing, GDR issuance and mergers and acquisitions of Chinese enterprises in the global capital market. Haotian has contributed to the successful listing of 27 companies on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange this year and continues to occupy a stable leading market share in the Hong Kong IPO market.

It is worth mentioning that Haotian Finance has also performed well in the field of cross-border depositary receipts. Through cross-border depositary receipts, enterprises can be issued to the public around the world, and capital can be converted seamlessly between multiple financial markets. it solves a lot of inconvenience for international investors in stock trading, dividend payout, share allotment and the exercise of other shareholder rights. On July 11, 2023, 002326.SZ, a financial communications consultant of Haotian Finance, successfully issued Global Depositary receipts (GDR) and officially listed on the London Stock Exchange.

In the future, Haotian Financial Group will take this "6th LSEG Capital Market China Symposium" as an opportunity to continue to give full play to its advantages and devote itself to helping more outstanding Chinese enterprises to list in overseas capital markets such as the London Stock Exchange in the process of internationalization and marketization of China's capital market, open up more financing channels, and seize the opportunity to realize the strategic layout of enterprise internationalization.

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