
新股消息 | 中企云链递表港交所 为中国最大的独立数字企业确权平台

IPO News | China Enterprise Cloud Link Filed The Hong Kong Stock Exchange is the largest independent digital enterprise authorization platform in China

Zhitong Finance ·  Oct 19, 2023 06:51

Zhitong Financial APP learned that China Enterprise Cloud chain Co., Ltd. (referred to as China Enterprise Cloud chain) submitted a listing application to the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, with co-sponsors Citic Construction Investment International, Agricultural Bank of China International, ICBC International and Maysh Capital as disclosed by the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on October 18.

According to the prospectus, China Enterprise Cloud chain is China's leading independent industrial digital financial platform, and the company's open platform serves as a bridge between industrial digital financial participants. The company captures the market opportunities contained in the development of China's industrial digital finance and develops an ecosystem based on an open platform of digitization, interconnection and data interaction to provide services to relevant stakeholders in the supply chain. Relying on the advantages of the company platform in user experience and matchmaking efficiency, the company has expanded the user base of the industrial digital financial ecosystem in the company platform and consolidated the company's leading position in the market.

According to Frost Sullivan, in terms of the amount of power confirmed and the amount of financing in 2022, the company is the largest platform for independent digital enterprises in China, with a market share of 25.9% and 31.3% respectively. According to Frost Sullivan, the company's independent platform is also the first independent digital enterprise platform with a cumulative confirmation amount of more than 1 trillion yuan.

The operation of the company includes three major businesses, namely, confirmation business, scene digital business and other ecological business. In these three businesses, the main value drivers are mainly the confirmed business operated through the company's cloud chain platform, especially the cloud letter service, which constitutes the cornerstone of the company's business. The company is also actively developing a wide range of other scene digital products and exploring other types of ecosystem products.

The number of users of the company's cloud chain platform grew at a compound annual growth rate of 75.1% from 2020 to 2022, from 75171 as of December 31, 2020 to 139035 as of December 31, 2021, and then to 230434 as of December 31, 2022 and 295650 as of June 30, 2023, respectively. Year ended December 31, 2022The number of active users of the company's platform is 163226. These users mainly include core enterprises, chain enterprises and financial institutions.

As of June 30, 2023, the company has cooperated with 3845 core enterprises, 289461 chain-owned enterprises and 2344 bank branches. The company's sales and marketing team covers 102 cities in 31 provinces and cities in China to provide timely support to core enterprises, chain enterprises and financial institutions that have existing or potential business relationships with the company.For the years ended December 31, 2020, 2021 and 2022, the core enterprise retention rates of the company's platform were about 83.1%, 87.3% and 88.5%, respectively.

In terms of finance, the main business income and income of China Enterprise Cloud chain in 2020,2021,2022 and the six months ended June 30, 2022 and 2023 are about 332 million yuan, 550 million yuan, 652 million yuan, 315 million yuan and 399 million yuan respectively. In the same period, the realized annual profits are-44.205 million yuan,-28.29 million yuan, 45.685 million yuan, 11.169 million yuan and 61.968 million yuan respectively.

It is worth noting that China Enterprise Cloud chain mentioned in its prospectus that the company is operating in an increasingly competitive environment. Failure to compete effectively may result in the loss of customers and business partners, which may have a significant adverse impact on the company's business, financial position, operating results and growth prospects; the company's business processes a large amount of data, and the improper collection, hosting, use or disclosure of such data may damage the company's reputation and have a significant adverse impact on the company's business and prospects.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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