
大行评级|大摩:予中远海控目标价5.4港元 评级“跑输大市”

DaXing Rating|Damo: “Outperforming the Market” with a target price of HK$5.4 for COSCO Marine Control

Gelonghui Finance ·  Oct 10, 2023 16:31
GLONGHUI, Oct. 10 | Morgan Stanley published a technical research report. It is believed that COSCO Marine Holdings's stock price will outperform the market in the next 60 days. The probability of this happening is expected to be between 70% and 80%, mainly due to the preliminary results for the third quarter or negative sentiment. The bank gave it a target price of HK$5.4 for H shares, and the rating was “outperforming the market”.

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