
A股收评:沪指跌0.7% 中字头、医药等板块下挫

A share review: the Shanghai index fell 0.7%, Chinese and other sectors fell

Gelonghui Finance ·  Oct 10, 2023 15:03
The main A-share index opened low today and continued its decline in the afternoon. By the close of trading, the Prev index was down 0.7% at 3075 points, the Shenzhen Composite Index was down 0.56%, and the gem index was down 0.53% at 1987 points. More than 3100 shares in the two markets fell, with a turnover of 774.7 billion yuan throughout the day, with a net sale of 5.471 billion yuan for northward funds. On the day, the Starflash concept rose in late trading, while Gaohong shares rose by the daily limit; the intelligent driving plate was pulled up in the afternoon, while Jinyi Technology rose by the daily limit; Hongmeng concept was strong throughout the day, with many stocks such as run and Software rising by the daily limit; Samsung and Hynix lifted relevant restrictions in China, and memory chip stocks rose, with shares such as technology up more than 10%. Huawei automotive, education and data security and other sectors led the gains. In addition, the pharmaceutical plate fell across the board, slimming drugs and CRO direction led the decline, Dezhang healthy limit; the Chinese prefix plate fell, Sinoma International and other stocks fell by the limit; cement building materials plate weakened, Shanghai Harbor and other stocks fell by the limit; construction machinery, port shipping and photovoltaic equipment and other plates led the decline.

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