
港股异动 | 京东健康涨超6% 获高盛上调目标价至76港元

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | JD Health rose more than 6% and was raised by Goldman Sachs in its target price to HK$76

Gelonghui Finance ·  Sep 29, 2023 09:49
GLONGHUI, September 29 | JD Health (6618.HK) rose more than 6% to HK$40, with a total market value of HK$127.213 billion. Goldman Sachs recently published a report stating that in response to JD Health's mid-term performance and sluggish consumer market, the company's adjusted net profit forecast for the 2023-2026 fiscal year was lowered by up to 5%. The revenue growth forecast was more cautious, but this was partly offset by improved profit margins. The target price was raised from HK$74 to HK$76 to maintain the buying rating.

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