
盛视科技(002990):预中标综保区标杆项目 长期发展空间进一步打开

Shengshi Technology (002990): The long-term development space for the pre-bid comprehensive insurance zone benchmark project was further opened

招商證券 ·  Sep 26, 2023 09:22

The company announced that the consortium as the leader won the bid "Beijing Zhongguancun Comprehensive Free Trade Zone Customs Informatization Construction Project" as the first winning candidate, with a project amount of about 114 million yuan. As of June 2023, there are 160 comprehensive insurance areas in China. Since 2019, the State Council and the General Administration of Customs have issued a number of policies to support the information and intelligent construction of comprehensive insurance areas, and the industry demand is expected to be gradually released.

Event: the company recently participated in the customs information construction project of Beijing Zhongguancun Comprehensive Free Trade Zone. The consortium led by the company is the first winning candidate. The bidding price of the project is about 114 million yuan and the delivery time is 157days.

Zhongguancun Comprehensive Insurance area is the first comprehensive insurance area featuring R & D and innovation in China. The project aims to improve the reporting efficiency of goods transactions of enterprises in the comprehensive insurance area. Zhongguancun Free Trade Zone was officially approved and established in May this year. As the first comprehensive insurance area featuring R & D and innovation in the country, Zhongguancun Free Trade Zone will become a digital wisdom comprehensive insurance area representing the image of national innovation in the future. According to the tender announcement of the project, the main construction content of the project is to build an information supervision platform for the whole process, promote the rational application of information technology in trade in services and auxiliary production, and realize the management requirements of visualization, intensification and efficient operation and maintenance, and finally provide enterprises with rich and convenient reporting methods for goods transactions, reduce reporting procedures and improve enterprise production efficiency.

There are 160 comprehensive insurance areas throughout the country, which has a broad space for informatization. The comprehensive insurance area is a special customs supervision area with the function of bonded port area established in inland areas, which is managed by the customs with reference to the relevant regulations and implements the tax and foreign exchange policies of the bonded port area. The comprehensive insurance zone has many functions, such as international and domestic procurement, distribution and distribution, tariff saving, entrepot trade, temporary storage and so on. As of June 2023, there are 160 comprehensive protection zones in China, accounting for 94% of the special customs supervision areas.

The central government has successively issued a number of policies to support the information and intelligent construction of the comprehensive insurance area. The comprehensive insurance zone supervision system covers a number of levels, which are mainly the responsibility of the State Council and the General Administration of Customs. In 2019, the State Council issued some opinions of the State Council on promoting high-level, open and high-quality development of comprehensive bonded areas, proposing to "use intelligent regulatory means, innovate regulatory models, and simplify business processes. Implement automatic data comparison, automatic check and release of bayonets, achieve direct point-to-point flow of bonded goods, reduce operating costs, and improve supervision efficiency.

In 2021, the State Council issued the Customs Development Plan of the 14th five-year Plan, which emphasizes "comprehensively improving the supporting capacity of customs informatization". From 2022 to the present, the General Administration of Customs has successively issued the measures of the people's Republic of China on the Administration of the Comprehensive bonded area and the Comprehensive Reform implementation Plan for promoting the High-quality Development of the Comprehensive bonded area, continuously promoting the level of information and intelligent management of the comprehensive bonded area.

Maintain the "highly recommended" investment rating. It is estimated that the revenue from 2023 to 2025 will be 2.058 billion yuan and 2.776 billion yuan, with a net profit of 3.42 billion yuan and 667 million yuan. The company won the bid Zhongguancun comprehensive insurance area customs information construction project, for the follow-up development of the national comprehensive insurance area business to set a good benchmark, long-term growth space to further open, continue to strongly recommend.

Risk hint: the policy landing is not as expected; the industry competition is intensified; the project does not finally win the bid risk.

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