

The private economy is booming again! The 22 measures were released in a big way. Let's take a look at the top six highlights

券商中國 ·  Sep 22, 2023 15:19

Source: Broker China

The “Certain Measures” propose 22 specific measures in five areas, including continuously optimizing the private economic development environment, increasing support for private economic policies, strengthening legal guarantees for private economic development, and promoting the private economy to achieve high-quality development. It is of great significance to the “Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Promoting the Growth of Private Economic Development”.

Let's take a look at the six key measures:

1. Revise and introduce a new version of the negative market access list, promote all types of business entities to equally enter industries, fields, and businesses other than the list in accordance with the law, and continue to break down market entry barriers.

2. Strengthen the supply of fair competition policies; promptly clean up and abolish policies that hinder a unified market and fair competition, such as local protection, market segmentation, and designated transactions.

3. Strengthen anti-monopoly law enforcement, carry out centralized reviews of operators in strict accordance with the law; stop abuse of administrative power to eliminate restrictions on competition in accordance with law; and optimize centralized reporting standards for operators.

4. Promote the facilitation of registration and cancellation of business entities; optimize policies relating to the transfer of individual businesses to enterprises, and reduce conversion costs.

5. Continue to carry out work to rectify illegal charges by enterprises involved to reduce the burden of enterprise expenses.

6. Strengthen the normalized supervision of Internet platforms, establish and improve compliance promotion mechanisms for platform enterprises, and reduce compliance operating costs for platform enterprises.

Continuously optimize the environment for private economic development and strengthen the supply of fair competition policies

In terms of continuously optimizing the environment for private economic development, the “Certain Measures” propose revising and introducing a new version of the negative market access list, promoting all types of business entities to equally enter industries, fields, and businesses other than the list in accordance with the law, and continuing to break down market entry barriers. Optimize administrative licensing services and vigorously promote standardization, standardization and facilitation of license approval work.

The “Certain Measures” state that the supply of fair competition policies will be strengthened, the issuance of system documents such as the “Fair Competition Review Regulations” will be expedited, and the fair competition system framework and policy implementation mechanism will be improved. Clean up and abolish policies that hinder a unified market and fair competition, including local protection, market segmentation, and designated transactions, in a timely manner, and regularly introduce a list of issues that improperly interfere with the construction of a unified national market.

At the same time, anti-monopoly enforcement will be strengthened, and centralized inspections of operators will be carried out in strict accordance with the law. Stop the misuse of administrative power to exclude acts that restrict competition in accordance with the law. Optimize centralized reporting standards for operators. Strengthen guidance for enterprises to respond to overseas anti-monopoly lawsuits and investigations, and enhance corporate compliance awareness and ability to protect their rights. Do a good job of researching and warning the risks of overseas investment and mergers and acquisitions of enterprises, and formulate compliance guidelines.

Further promote enterprise credit risk classification management. Encourage regions that are in a position to do so to explore the implementation of credit risk classification management for business entities such as individual businesses and farmers' professional cooperatives. Strengthen the analysis and application of big data for corporate credit supervision, continue to compile the Chinese enterprise credit index, optimize the corporate credit index preparation plan, create a “barometer” of corporate credit trends, and enhance the ability to prevent and mitigate various potential, emerging, and trending credit risks.

The “Certain Measures” clearly strengthen credit restraints and incentives, and study and formulate policy documents on strengthening punishment for loss of trust and incentives for trustworthiness. Deeply carry out special actions to control serious illegal and untrustworthy behavior. Expedite the revision of the General Administration's regulatory documents relating to credit repair management, expand the scope of credit repair, and improve the credit repair mechanism. Give full play to the credit incentive effect of publicity on enterprises, mark and publicize enterprises that have received honors on the publicity system, and enhance the sense of acquisition of enterprises with good credit.

In addition, it is also necessary to promote the facilitation of registration and cancellation of business entities, fully implement simple cancellation and general cancellation systems, and improve the “One Network Service” platform for enterprise cancellation. Promote the introduction of cross-departmental business closure policy guidelines. Further optimize business start-up services. Promote the sustainable and healthy development of individual businesses, and implement accurate assistance for individual business classification and classification. Optimize policies relating to the transfer of individual businesses to enterprises and reduce conversion costs.

Strengthen legal guarantees for private economic development, and strictly crack down on unfair competition

In terms of increasing support for private economic policies, the “Certain Measures” emphasize improving the system for collecting, sharing, and publicizing credit information, and incorporating commitments and performance information into credit records. Deeply carry out actions to improve the quality of credit supervision data for business entities, and support the “three supervisors” with high-quality data. Improve the credit rating and evaluation system for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and individual businesses.

Establish a support policy “enjoy without review” mechanism for private micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and individual businesses, promote an advertisement notification commitment system, and no longer require repeated provision of materials that can be obtained through public data platforms. Strengthen policy issuance and interpretation guidance directly aimed at individual businesses. Cooperate with relevant departments to establish a platform for connecting employment information for private enterprises and individual businesses and workers.

The “Certain Measures” state that it is necessary to strengthen legal guarantees for private economic development, carry out special enforcement actions to “protect” against unfair competition, and strictly crack down on unfair competition acts such as infringement of trade secrets, counterfeiting and confusion, and illegal acts such as malicious squandering of trademarks.

Continue to carry out work to rectify illegal charges by enterprises involved to reduce the burden of enterprise expenses. Clear channels for reporting complaints of illegal charges by enterprises involved, establish standardized mechanisms for sharing and transferring problem leads, implement joint punishment through comprehensive measures such as market supervision, industry supervision, and credit supervision, and focus on exposing typical cases of illegal charges.

Strengthen the normalized supervision of Internet platforms and reduce the compliance operating costs of platform enterprises

In terms of focusing on promoting high-quality development of the private economy, the “Certain Measures” call for supporting and guiding private enterprises to improve their corporate governance structure, standardize shareholder behavior, strengthen internal supervision, achieve standardized governance, effective checks and balances, and compliant management, and encourage private enterprises that are in a position to do so to establish and improve a modern enterprise system with Chinese characteristics.

Support private enterprises to improve their standardization capabilities, participate in the revision of national standards, and put forward opinions and suggestions in the process of national standard formulation, drafting, technical review, and standard implementation information feedback and evaluation.

Continue to carry out the “Measurement Service for Small and Medium Enterprises” campaign, sort out the measurement needs of enterprises, and implement measurement consulting and technical services for enterprises. Support private enterprises to participate in the construction of industrial measurement and testing centers, and enhance the advanced measurement capabilities of private enterprises

The “Certain Measures” emphasize the need to promote the transparency of platform rules and codes of conduct to promote the healthy development of the platform economy. Continue to develop online market supervision and service demonstration zones to continuously unleash new momentum for platform economic development. Strengthen the normalization of supervision of Internet platforms, establish and improve compliance promotion mechanisms for platform enterprises, and reduce compliance operating costs for platform enterprises. Continue to launch “green light” investment cases for platform enterprises, standardize platform charging behavior, guide win-win cooperation between platforms and small and medium-sized merchants, and promote the healthy development of the platform economy.


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