
麦当劳第二季度每股收益1.70美元 超过预期

McDonald's second-quarter earnings of $1.70 per share beat expectations

腾讯证券 ·  Jul 25, 2017 20:27

Tencent Securities News reported on the evening of July 25, Beijing time. According to Bloomberg, the second-quarter earnings per share reported by McDonald's exceeded analysts' average expectations.

Earnings per share for the second quarter were $1.70 and are estimated at $1.62 ($1.51 to $1.72).

Second-quarter revenue was $6.05 billion, with an estimate of $5.96 billion ($5.69 billion to $6.29 billion).

Same-store sales in the US increased 3.9% in the second quarter, with an estimated increase of 3.2% (ConsensusMetrix, average of 28 people expected).

Same-store sales increased 6.6% in the second quarter, with an estimated increase of 4.0% (average of 29 people).

Operating revenue for the second quarter was $2.30 billion, estimated at $2.19 billion ($2.04 billion to $2.68 billion).

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