

Autonomous driving is fully “speeding up”! Many places have steadily opened up the test path, and Weidi shares have risen and stopped.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Sep 12, 2023 10:26

On September 12, the autonomous driving sector had impressive gains. Gaohong shares,Weidi shares rose and fell,DemaxAn increase of more than 12%,Alter and Ruiming Technology rose more than 7%, Tianmai Technology increased 6.99%, Desai Seaway,Faben Information, Optical Library TechnologyAnd so on, it went up one after another.


According to the news, the Shenzhen Intelligent Connected Vehicle Test Demonstration Road continues to expand.In the near future, 89 kilometers of expressways such as the Nanping Expressway, the Shuiguan Expressway, and the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Yanjiang Expressway will be opened.In addition to this, relevant departments in Shenzhen are also actively promoting regulations and management measures related to autonomous driving. At present, Shenzhen has completed the drafting of the intelligent connected vehicle registration method and the regulations governing the transportation of intelligent connected vehicles, and is currently seeking internal opinions.

There are many advantages to autonomous driving

According to the “Shenzhen Release” on September 11, the Shenzhen Intelligent Connected Vehicle Test Demonstration Section continues to be “expanded”. Currently, the evaluation of the first batch of the West Section of the Gaoping Expressway, the Shuiguan Expressway, the East Section of the Nanping Expressway, and the Shenzhen Section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Yanjiang Expressway has been completed as a test demonstration road. It is planned to be opened in the near future, including a 13-kilometer high-complexity section.

The relevant departments have completed the drafting of the Shenzhen Intelligent Connected Vehicle Registration Act and the Intelligent Connected Vehicle Transportation Management Regulations, are seeking internal comments, and are collaborating with BYD and other enterprises to carry out intelligent connected vehicle license plate design work. According to the plan, Shenzhen is expected to issue the first official license plate for an intelligent connected vehicle and the first road transport license for an intelligent connected vehicle taxi this year.

As of August this year, Shenzhen has issued road test and demonstration application notices to 15 enterprises and 325 intelligent connected vehicles. Compared with when the Regulations were first implemented in August last year, the number of vehicles increased by 170%. Shenzhen has opened a total of 771 kilometers of intelligent connected vehicle testing demonstration roads, an increase of 20% over the previous year. Pingshan District took the lead, achieved a global opening of 440 kilometers, and was the first to launch an all-unmanned commercial pilot project. The total number of single orders exceeded 26,000, and the operating mileage exceeded 500,000 kilometers.

On the same day,”Released in SuzhouPublic accountIt also released news saying,The first holographic sensing smart highway in China that satisfies the level of automotive-road collaborative autonomous driving has completed more than 80% of the total project volume. It is expected that the joint commissioning and testing of the system will be completed by the end of September.

The project intelligently upgraded the two-way 56-kilometer section of the Sutai Expressway S17 (Huangdai Interchange - Yangcheng Hubei Interchange). 270 sets of sensing equipment such as lidar, millimeter wave radar, camera, and roadside antenna RSU were installed at 55 points to create a holographic sensing section and a ramp (intercom) sensing section. After completion, the project will be the first holographic sensing smart highway in China that satisfies the level of vehicle-road collaborative autonomous driving. Relying on the vehicle-road collaboration method, it will achieve L4 level autonomous driving on expressways.

Notably, Tesla announced that it has been producing the Dojo supercomputer since July of this year, and Dojo's job is to train Tesla on its FSD fully automated driving system.

Tesla's 2023 AI Day will be held at the end of September. The market expects the end-to-end and World Model to be the highlight, interpreting the true “big model of autonomous driving” and opening a new chapter.

The penetration rate of new cars assisted driving reached 42.4% in the first half of this year

“Currently, with the continuous improvement of the technical level of intelligent connected vehicles and the full integration of related industries, the intelligent connected vehicle industry is entering a new stage of development.” On September 11, Guo Shougang, deputy director of the Equipment Industry Department 1 of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, revealed at the “2023 World Intelligent Connected Vehicle Conference” press conference,In the first half of this year, the market penetration rate of intelligent connected passenger vehicles equipped with auxiliary autonomous driving systems in China increased one step further, reaching 42.4%.

In recent years, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has thoroughly implemented road collaboration routes, coordinated the resources and forces of relevant departments, local governments and industry, and worked together to promote various tasks such as strategic planning, pilot entry, standard setting, technological innovation, and testing and demonstration. At present, the development of intelligent connected vehicles in China has achieved positive results.

inThe scale of the industryIn 2022, China sold about 7 million new intelligent connected passenger cars equipped with auxiliary autonomous driving systems, and the market penetration rate reached 34.9%. In the first half of this year, the market penetration rate increased one step further, reaching 42.4%. inKey technologyOn the other hand, next-generation electronic and electrical architectures, automotive operating systems, and high-computing power computing chips have achieved vehicle loading applications, breakthroughs have been achieved in cross-domain integration and controller technology, and the sensing range of high-performance lidar has reached 250 meters.

inIn terms of demonstration applications,The country has built 17 national-level test demonstration zones, 7 national-level Internet of Vehicles pilot zones, and 16 “Shuangzhi” pilot cities. All regions are speeding up test demonstration deployment and infrastructure construction. Provinces and municipalities have issued about 50 implementation rules for road tests. The country has opened more than 15,000 kilometers of test roads, issued more than 2,800 test licenses, issued more than 70 million kilometers of road test mileage, and deployed more than 7,000 roadside networking infrastructure sets.

In the next step, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will adhere to the road cloud integration development line, strengthen innovation drive, optimize policy supply, and accelerate the industrialization process of intelligent connected vehicles.

The first is to strengthen innovation drive.Support key leading enterprises and the participation of large, medium and medium-sized enterprises, encourage and guide collaborative innovation across industries and fields, accelerate the development, promotion and application of new technologies and products such as key chips, high-precision sensors, and operating systems, and enhance the endogenous motivation for industrial development.

The second is to improve the supporting environment.Accelerate the construction of infrastructure such as C-V2X roadside sensing and edge computing, establish a cloud control technology platform based on a three-level architecture of edge cloud, regional cloud, and central cloud, and enhance connected sensing cloud computing capabilities.

The third is to deepen demonstration tests.Organize and develop city-level vehicle-road cloud integration demonstration applications, promote intelligent connected vehicle access and road traffic pilot projects, and support the commercial application of conditional autonomous driving and higher-level autonomous driving functions.

Fourth, optimize the industrial ecology.Strengthen vehicle demand and application traction, promote the integration of innovation resources across industries, and collaborative cooperation between government, industry, academia, research and use, promote the development of vehicle network interactive technology, and form a new ecosystem of vehicle road energy integration and cloud development.

The fifth is to deepen international cooperation.Continue to build a market-based, legalized, and international business environment for collaborative vehicle development, and make good use of multiple bilateral cooperation mechanisms and international exchange platforms to carry out practical cooperation in fields such as technological innovation, standards, regulations, testing and demonstration, etc., to achieve mutually beneficial and win-win development.

The future market will usher in three major inflection points

In recent years, autonomous driving functions have been rapidly introduced, L2 level assisted driving technology has matured, and L2+ and L2++ advanced assisted driving have also begun to enter the stage of targeted mass production. At the same time, its various itemsThe function enhances the user's driving experience in many ways, plays a positive role in safety, energy consumption, and efficiency, and the user's driving habits are being subtly changed.

Looking forward to the future, autonomous driving is an inevitable trend in automobile development.Market research institute IDC predicts that global connected vehicle sales will reach 78.3 million units in 2025, with a compound growth rate of 11.5% over 5 years. In 2026, the global sales scale of autonomous vehicles will reach 89.3 million units, with a compound growth rate of 14.8% over 5 years.

Huaxi Securities pointed out that with the rapid development of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, 5G communication, and big data, the promotion and application of autonomous vehicles has accelerated, gradually shifting from R&D and testing to actual operation. With the continuous improvement of policies, industries, technology, etc., and the acceleration of the commercialization process, China's autonomous driving industry is expected to lead a new round of global technological innovation and development within the next 2-3 years. Industrial chain: Intelligent driving systems can be divided into a sensing layer, a decision-making layer, and an execution layer. Through sensors, they achieve semantic understanding and perception of other variables in road conditions, and then make decisions and execution on body steering and speed. Among them, what is highly related to TMT is the sensing layer, the decision layer, and the communication layer between them.

CITIC Securities also said that due to global resonance, the domestic smart driving market is ushering in three major inflection points:

(1)Technically,The new “BEV+ Transformer+ Data Closed Loop” architecture will be launched in 2023, making it possible to lead urban areas without relying on high-precision maps;
(2)In terms of commercialization,It is expected that the urban pilot functions of various car companies will be implemented intensively from 23Q4, and some will no longer rely on high-precision maps, and the commercialization of FSD in North America and entry into China are also expected to accelerate;
(3)In terms of policy,L3 policies have been implemented intensively recently, and are expected to continue to heat up in the future. It is expected that the three inflection points mentioned above will be realized one after another from September to the beginning of next year, leading a new round of intelligent driving.

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