
三张保单保一生 ——阳光保险召开全客户思想的产品发布会

Three insurance policies to insure a lifetime - Sunshine Insurance held a product launch with the thoughts of all customers

China Investors ·  Sep 8, 2023 15:00

On September 7, Sunshine Insurance held "three policies for a lifetime" in Beijing.The colorful sunshine is full of red."Press conference, brand-new launchThe "3 / 5 / 7" life cycle security configuration plan. Press conference with"three insurance policies for a lifetime, five insurance policies for family photos, colorful sunshine."The resounding slogans and research results highly condensed and summed up the insurance protection to meet the needs of accidents, health, old-age, children's health, schooling, marriage, and even family wealth inheritance and family property security in people's life.

Zhang Weigong, chairman of Sunshine Insurance, made a keynote announcement. At the beginning, he asked a question."How many kinds of insurance do you think you need to configure in your life and how many insurance policies do you buy in order to give people a more secure guarantee?"I believe that this question is not only an insurance proposition of great concern to the public, but also a question that is difficult for the vast majority of people and even insurance practitioners to give a clear and accurate answer. "Sunshine should tell customers clearly how to plan insurance in their life.Next, Zhang Weigong spent 30 minutes out of the draft to talk about the connotation of "three insurance policies for a lifetime, five insurance policies for family photos, colorful sunshine." "with these three sentences, we can let all different customers know at once how to tailor their own insurance. Do not let customers spend one more penny of wronged money, so that every premium should play its due insurance protection. " Zhang Weigong said this when interpreting the significance of the press conference.

The keynote announcement for more than half an hour and the press conference for more than two hours are all in the language that is closest to the customer and is the most easy to understand.Behind the "3 / 5 / 7" configuration plan and even Sunshine Insurance has always adhered to a microcosm of the "customer idea".It is reported that this time"three / five /seven"the proposal of the configuration plan is that under the leadership of Zhang Weigong, the group and the senior management team of life insurance scrutinize every detail design of the insurance policy system from the point of view of customers, so as to convey the warmth from the sun to customers. The chairman of the company personally enters the battle, focusing on controlling all the details, which may be rare in other companies, why does Sunshine have such persistence? "every manager should be a good product manager, really do everything from the customer's point of view," Zhang Weigong said at the press conference may help to understand the source of Sunshine customer ideas.In fact, for"three / five /seven"to better meet the needs of customers, Sunshine Insurance also carried out a large-scale customer research campaign of more than 20,000 people, and finallyForEach policy of "three policies for a lifetime" has set up an ABC three-tier insurance amount category, three-to-three gets nine, which is subdivided into nine categories.

Zhang Weigong once said on their business anniversary:"if the sun wants to be different, it should run through the sunshine people with the good culture of 'love and responsibility'. The actions of the sunshine people are a kind of inner driving force, and naturally it is a kind of release of love." "Love and responsibility" is a great essence of Sunshine Culture. As early as the early days of Sunshine, Sunshine Culture clearly put forward that "everything for customers is the core value pursuit of Sunshine people". They put "love and responsibility" into the company that wants to become the company that understands and loves customers most, become the company that can move customers most with sincerity and professionalism, and become the company with the most ability to provide full life cycle insurance services for all kinds of customers.

Adhering to the good culture and adhering to the customer's thinking, both are like two sides of the same coin.Become Sunshine Insurance's empathy for every customer's needs, persistent guardianship for every family, and provide full life cycle insurance services for all kinds of customers, so that everyone can easily choose a security scheme suitable for themselves and their families. and become an expert in insurance configuration for yourself and your family. Under the background that financial asset allocation has become a necessityThe family security configuration plan of "three insurance policies for a lifetime, five insurance policies and family photos full of colorful sunshine" precisely reflects the corporate responsibility of Sunshine Insurance to practice insurance liability and serve the people.

The new era gives birth to new demand, and China's residents' commercial insurance needs to be supplemented urgently.

With the continuous development of China's economyIn 2019, China's per capita GDP exceeded 10, 000 US dollars and reached 10276 US dollars for the first time. China ranks firmly among the middle-income countries in the world. The 2022 economic report released at the beginning of this year also shows that China's per capita GDP has remained above 12000 US dollars for two consecutive years.

Social wealth has increased significantly, and people's living standards have improved steadily, but at the same time, medical treatment, pension and other issues are still the key livelihood issues that the people are most concerned about.

Although China has made some achievements in promoting the integration of urban and rural social security system, the gap between urban and rural social security treatment is still large. As an important supplement to social security, commercial insurance can help rural residents improve their security level and narrow the gap between urban and rural social security benefits by providing diversified and personalized security products.

According to the estimated data of the World Bank, the pension replacement rate (that is, the ratio of the average basic pension received by urban workers after retirement to the average salary of in-service employees) is not lower than that of urban workers.70% to maintain a pre-retirement standard of living. However, the average replacement rate of pension for urban workers in China is only 43.6% in 2021, which is 55% lower than the international warning line.

With the accelerating process of population aging in China, the problem of providing for the aged has become the focus of national and social attention. Especially in the context of the new era, the family structure and living model have undergone tremendous changes, and the traditional pension model is facing new challenges. Therefore, the construction of a new social service system for the elderly and the realization of high-quality pension based on the new situation of aging has become an important problem for the government, society and enterprises to solve.

Commercial insurance can effectively supplement the shortcomings of the social security system, improve the level of social security, narrow the social security gap, and provide important support for the construction and improvement of China's social security system. Therefore, China should further promote the development of commercial insurance and make it play a greater role in the social security system.

Compared with developed countries, the gap in social security in China is mainly reflected in two aspects: social security level and social security coverage. The level of social security in China is relatively low, and the coverage of social security is also relatively narrow. As an important supplement to social security, commercial insurance can improve the level of social security and expand the coverage of social security by providing diversified and personalized security products.

At present, the role and value of commercial insurance has been more and more recognized and accepted by all sectors of society.

With customers as the core for transformation and development, Sunshine Insurance strives to improve people's well-being.

With the commercial insurance being accepted by more and more people, the industry itself is also facing the new task of transformation and upgrading. In the decades of the development of China's insurance industry, the industry has persisted for a long time.The "product-oriented" concept, which regards insurance as an isolated single consumer product and service, is often not targeted, nor can it solve the problem of customer protection.

And always rememberSunshine Insurance Group, which pursues the core value of "everything for the customer", has been in the forefront of the industry, taking the lead in providing customer families with a systematic insurance protection plan around the whole life cycle, which is also known as the "vertical and horizontal plan".

Accompanied byAccording to the "vertical and horizontal plan", Sunshine carries out massive customer demand research around the core needs of customers at different stages of the family life cycle, and guides supply-side innovation with the demand side, so as to continuously enrich the product supply system. In January this year, Sunshine Insurance issued "China Modern Family Life cycle" Insurance + "demand Insight White Paper" to investigate and understand customers' needs, and form a normalized mechanism for a comprehensive and true understanding.Customers in different regions, different wealth levels and different family stagesThe security needs, design in line with the characteristics of the crowd, family roles and the whole life cycle of innovative products and services.

At the same time, Sunshine has gradually established its unique service characteristics and advantages through the construction and development of the medical care plate, the strengthening of strategic investment capacity, and the integration of internal and external resources. always with differentiated, approachable classified services to customer satisfaction.

"always take the customer thought as the driving force" is the belief that Sunshine Insurance has always held. Over the years, Sunshine has spanned many tortuous and fluctuating cycles in the industry, walked out of a beautiful curve of value growth and healthy development with strong strategic determination and customer thinking, and became a recognized leader of Mesozoic companies in the industry. Today, facing the broader stage of the capital market, Sunshine Insurance has not stopped.

Solution"how many insurance policies do you need in your life?" Sunshine Insurance has an insight into the needs of modern families.

How many insurance policies do you need in your life? This question around customer needs has become a topic of concern of Sunshine Insurance in recent years. Not only that, Sunshine also extends the topic to focus on family customers, trying to answerHow many insurance policies does a family need?

The extension of service from single customers to family customers is necessary for insurance companies to identify customers more accurately and scientifically, and it is also a solution to enhance the ability of risk prevention under the modern social structure.

Keen insight into social and demographic changes in order to"customer thinking" gathers the sunshine insurance of development momentum and focuses on the family as well.

At present, the family structure of our country is being reshaped. According to the data of the seventh national census, the average household is only2.62 people, the family size has been greatly reduced. In addition, with the rapid development of urbanization in China, the resulting family structure is more diverse. With the traditional family model being broken, the concept of "raising children to guard against old age" is being replaced by "savings for the aged" and "financial assets for the aged".

As a result, on the basis of full research in the "White Paper", Sunshine Insurance continued to carry out in-depth research on customer demand covering institutions across the country in the first half of this year. Behind the research, Sunshine Insurance is based.The reflection of "customer thought": there is a dislocation between the demand focus of modern Chinese families and the current situation of security, and this has become an important basis for Sunshine Insurance to target family customers and provide products and services that better meet the needs of customers.

The survey results show that althoughDifferent regions, different levels of wealth, different family stagesThere are differences in their needs, but combing the internal core logic of their needs can simplify and integrate the configuration of their insurance policies according to the complete life cycle needs of customers and standing in the ideological dimension of complete customers.

The "3 / 5 / 7" depicts the security map, and Sunshine Insurance's innovative life cycle configuration scheme leads the high-quality transformation.

Based on comprehensive research data, Sunshine Insurance has been launched in an all-round way under the leadership of the group and senior management of life insurance."three insurance policies guarantee a lifetime of colorful sunshine."Full lifecycle configuration scenario, withRed, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue and purple are represented by seven colors to answer customers' questions systematically and scientifically. From the perspective of customers, Sunshine has constructed a progressive "three / five / seven" security configuration scheme with three dimensions and layers of "three insurance policies", five policies and seven policies.

Specifically,"three insurance policies for a lifetime" is an insurance policy to solve the problem of injury, disability and death, an insurance policy to solve the problem of disease, and an insurance policy to solve the problem of providing for the aged. Around each problem, Sunshine first disassembles, for example, "no" may die by accident and non-accident, and traditional insurance products will be divided into accident insurance and term life insurance accordingly. Sunshine combines the two types of product liability into one "intentional life insurance" this time. For example, diseases may be divided into minor diseases and serious diseases, and the protection demands for minor diseases lie more in the compensation of medical expenses, while serious diseases not only have high treatment costs, but also face interruption of income, rehabilitation and recuperation expenses, and so on. Traditional products are also divided into millions of medical insurance and serious illness insurance, and Sunshine solves all these problems with the "appropriate Health Insurance" insurance policy. For providing for the aged, Sunshine uses the package of "suitable for the aged" to solve the needs of pension and nursing. Three insurance policies, simple and clear, throughout life.

The "five insurance policies and family photos" are based on three insurance policies, plus two insurance policies for children. One is "happy and healthy" to protect children's health. The other is to solve the "suitable growth" of children's financial reserves at important points such as school and marriage. "colorful Sunshine" is a collection that is further geared to high-end groups, including "appropriate inheritance" to solve the problem of intergenerational inheritance and "Ikea property" to protect family property responsibility.

The seven-color spectrum of "Red Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue and Purple" is the wisdom crystallization of Sunshine Insurance based on customer survey, in-depth understanding of the current situation of modern families, breaking the pain points for customers and building a family insurance system. "3 / 5 / 7" is not only a product configuration concept innovation based on "customer ideas", but also a panoramic one-stop solution for modern families. The "seven insurance policies" cover the whole life cycle insurance protection, from personal security to financial security, from individuals to families, to fully meet the needs of customer insurance products. At the same time, for families in different life cycles of "single period", "family formation period", "family growth stage" and "family maturity period", "3 / 5 / 7" is also equipped with a scientific security scheme with a relatively "standardized" solution. match the insurance needs in different cycles; with the exclusive scheme of "customization", create "personalized" insurance configuration for different families.

"customer thinking" coruscates the driving force of the times, and "colorful Sunshine" makes it possible to be responsible for customers.

In the past, many people may have been confused in the face of many insurance companies selling insurance policies one by one and did not know how to choose; or they may have bought many annuity insurance products, but accident and medical insurance are still very low.

In the face of this industry phenomenon, Sunshine Insurance has come to customers in a different way. They launched it."the colorful sunshine is full of red."Insurance allocation strategyIt not only saves customers the tedious need to buy multiple insurance policies, but also can be insured."spend less money unjustly". Moreover, in the traditional insurance sequence, consumers often allocate multiple guarantees in batches and sheets, and at the same time need to understand and compare the coverage and premium information of a variety of insurance products, which has certain requirements for the professionalism of customers. at the same time, the time and energy of insurance allocation is also a waste.

Based on a survey of the needs of contemporary families, Sunshine InsuranceThe whole life cycle security configuration scheme formed by "colorful Sunshine" helps ordinary customers to clarify their family insurance needs "at a glance", easily understand insurance configuration, and avoid repeated and invalid allocations. one-stop to meet the multi-dimensional and multi-level needs of contemporary families Systematically solve the three problems of "how many insurance policies are needed in a lifetime", "how to determine the protection order within the limited scope of funds", "how to allocate the quota among family members when purchasing insurance".

Through this, almost everyone can easily choose or customize a comprehensive security scheme suitable for themselves and their families. Put the professional concept of insurance allocation"systematization", "standardization", "visualization", "colorful sunshine"It is Sunshine Insurance that breaks down professional barriers."everyone becomes an expert in the allocation of family insurance" is a great innovation.

And this is exactly what Sunshine Insurance really considers from the customer's point of view."customer thought" is integrated into another important practice of enterprise management and development and the practice of social responsibility.

Insurance has become an indispensable part of modern society. Sunshine Insurance has been adhering to since its inception.The concept of "customer-centered" takes the lead in handing over the "colorful answer paper" of "how many insurance policies you need in your life" in the new era. As an innovative insurance company committed to leading the high-quality development of the industry, Sunshine Insurance will inject new momentum into the vigorous development of the insurance industry.

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