
异动直击 | 马钢跌超3%,拟向废钢公司增资1.35亿

Direct impact of changes | Ma Steel fell more than 3% and plans to increase capital to scrap steel companies by 135 million

富途资讯 ·  Jun 17, 2019 11:04  · 异动

According to Futu News on June 17,$Maanshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. (00323.HK) $It is now down 3.4% to HK$3.04, with provisional transactions of HK$39.93 million. The latest total market capitalization is HK$23.4 billion.


Market source: Futu Securities

Ma On Shan Steel announced last week that on June 12, 2019, the company signed a capital increase agreement with Ma Steel Group. According to this, the contracting parties have agreed to increase the capital of the scrap company by RMB 300 million according to the current shareholding ratio. After the capital increase was completed, the shareholding ratio of each shareholder remained unchanged, and the registered capital of the scrap steel company increased from RMB 100 million to RMB 400 million. The company holds 45% of the shares in the scrap company, so the capital should be increased by RMB 135 million for this purpose.

Furthermore, it is reported that Ma On Shan Steel was removed from power today and a dividend of HK$0.35,278 per share was distributed.

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