
港股异动 | 百盛集团(03368)涨近6% 中期归母利润为6309.3万元 同比扭亏为盈

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Baisheng Group (03368) rose nearly 6%, medium-term attributable profit was 63.093 million yuan, turning a year-on-year loss into a profit

Zhitong Finance ·  Aug 18, 2023 13:51

The Zhitong Finance App learned that Baisheng Group (03368) rose nearly 6%. As of press release, it rose 5.83% to HK$0.127, with a turnover of HK$1,207,700.

According to the news, Baisheng Group announced its 2023 interim results, with total operating revenue of RMB 2,218 billion (same unit below), an increase of 11.3% over the previous year. The profit attributable to the owners of the company was 63.093 million yuan, and the loss attributable to the same period last year was about 182 million yuan. The increase in total operating income was mainly due to confirmed rental income from investment properties located in Beijing's Financial Street.

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