
金活医药集团(01110.HK):进一步认购Taiko Pharmaceutical的股份

Jinhuo Pharmaceutical Group (01110.HK): Further subscription for shares in Taiko Pharmaceutical

Gelonghui Finance ·  Aug 16, 2023 06:25

Gelonghui August 16 丨Jinhuo Pharmaceutical Group (01110.HK) announced that on August 15, 2023, Jinhuo Pharmaceutical, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, placed an order with the placement agent. Based on this, Jinhuo Pharmaceutical agreed to subscribe for an additional 1.0.075 million Taiko shares at a cost of 338.58 yen (equivalent to about HK$18.35) per share of Taiko shares (accounting for about 2.08% of Taiko Pharmaceutical's issued shares as of the date of this announcement, not including Taiko Pharmaceutical's issued shares according to the subscription after completion of the date of this announcement. Taiko shares to be issued) at a total cost of approximately 341 million yen (equivalent to approximately HK$18.489 million).

As of the date of this announcement, the company held 2.1784 million Taiko shares, accounting for about 4.49% of Taiko Pharmaceutical's issued share capital at the date of this announcement (not including Taiko shares to be issued by Taiko Pharmaceutical in accordance with the subscription matters after completion). After completion, the company will hold a total of 3.185,900 Taiko shares, accounting for a total of 3.185,900 Taiko shares, which will be issued according to the subscription matters after completion, accounting for about 6.42% of Taiko Subsidies's expanded issued share capital.

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