

Gold Digger (301380.SZ): Involves artificial intelligence technology and related applications, including: AI intelligent monitoring, AI intelligent voice assistants, intelligent robot “little questions”, etc.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Aug 10, 2023 18:26

Glonghui August 10th 丨Some investors asked Gold Digger (301380.SZ), “The company's core business involves artificial intelligence technology. What are your company's success stories in building a digital China, and what are your future strategic plans?”

The money digger replied that the company involved artificial intelligence technology and related applications in providing customers with information technology services, including AI intelligent monitoring, AI intelligent voice assistants, and intelligent robot “Little Questions”. In terms of digital integration and development services, the company takes the “Smart Government+Digital Education” digital smart exhibition hall built for the Beijing government service system as a starting point to gradually expand its business to promote the innovative development of digital integration and development services. Through cross-industry and cross-sector cooperation, the company will provide customers with more comprehensive and professional digital solutions to help them achieve digital transformation and upgrading. In the future, the company will actively seize the good opportunities of the development of the digital economy and the advancement of informatization application technology, continue to focus on the field of the digital economy, expand the types of large enterprise customers horizontally, strengthen the penetration of upstream and downstream industries vertically, and strive to become an industry-leading digital economy application technology and information service provider.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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