
Nio Phone's Core Specs Revealed by Benchmarking Platform

Nio Phone's Core Specs Revealed by Benchmarking Platform

基准测试平台公布了Nio Phone的核心规格
CnEVPost ·  2023/08/07 12:05

The Nio phone that appeared in a benchmarking database is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 SoC with 12 GB of RAM and 1 TB of storage.

出现在基准测试数据库中的蔚来手机由高通Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 SoC提供支持,具有12 GB的RAM和1 TB的存储空间。

A popular smartphone performance benchmarking platform has exposed the core specs of Nio's (NYSE: NIO) first phone model, after the handset recently completed its last major regulatory process.


The Nio handset completed China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Internet entry license last week, meaning a release should be close, local benchmarking company Antutu said today on Weibo.


Based on the model number information, Antutu was able to find the configuration and score information of Nio's first phone in its backend database, according to the Weibo post.


Although Nio is a newcomer to the smartphone market, it has opted for a Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 SoC (system on chip) with 12 GB of built-in RAM along with 1 TB of storage, according to Antutu.

据Antutu称,尽管蔚来是智能手机市场的新手,但它选择了具有12 GB内置RAM和1 TB存储空间的高通Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 SoC(片上系统)。

Based on the configuration aspect of the phone models appearing in this database, Nio's first phone is a good deal for customers, reaching the top flagship level, Antutu said.


The Nio phone has a total score of 1,360,974, with a CPU score of 355,091, a GPU score of 434,891, a MEM score of 304,072, and a UX score of 266,920, according to Antutu.


As a comparison, the Red Magic 8S Pro, which is also powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 SoC, ranked first in Antutu's test early last month with a total score of 1,671,390, a CPU score of 423,853 and a GPU score of 637,103.

相比之下,同样由高通Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 SoC提供支持的Red Magic 8S Pro在上个月初的Antutu测试中排名第一,总分为1,671,390分,CPU分数为423,853分,GPU得分为637,103分。

In a comparison with Antutu's monthly report, the Nio phone's performance is about the same as that of the Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 model, and there's still a noticeable gap between it and the common Snapdragon 8 Gen 2-powered models, Antutu said.

Antutu说,与Antutu的月度报告相比,蔚来手机的性能与Snapdragon 8+Gen 1机型大致相同,而且它与普通的Snapdragon 8 Gen 2机型之间仍然存在明显的差距。

However, the bench test that was conducted may have been an early engineering unit, which may have dragged down the performance, Antutu noted.


Moreover, the performance of the Nio phone may not be the focus of expectations, Antutu said, adding that being a phone built by a car company, how deeply it integrates with cars should be the focus.


At the end of March 2022, William Li, Nio's founder, chairman and CEO, confirmed that the company would be getting into phone making, saying that one of the key things that drove the company's decision was the fact that the experience of car owners increasingly relies on a seamless connection between the phone and the vehicle directly.

2022年3月底,蔚来创始人、董事长兼首席执行官威廉·李(William Li)证实,该公司将进入手机制造领域,他说,推动公司做出决定的关键因素之一是,车主的体验越来越依赖于手机和车辆之间的直接无缝连接。

Nio is looking at phones and car-centric smart devices for user benefit and experience, he said at the time.


Nio's first phone model will be released in the third quarter and deliveries will begin, Li said on April 1 during a forum on China's electric vehicle industry.


Nio's device received a license to access the Internet on July 10, which is valid until July 10, 2025, according to its filing on the MIIT website.


The smartphone's model number is N2301 and it is powered by Android with 5G support as well as dual-SIM, according to the information.

信息显示,这款智能手机的型号为 N2301,由支持 5G 的 Android 提供支持,并支持 Dual-SIM 卡。

Nio phone completes last major regulatory process in China

Nio phone 完成了中国的最后一个重大监管程序

