

Munger: Keep everything simple and take it seriously

紅與綠 ·  Jul 26, 2023 23:48

Source: Red and Green


None of our group of value investors made it out of it. If you stick with it, you can't even use your brain to be smart. In our generation, those who persevere have been very successful.

1. Waiting for a mistake won't make it better

1. There are two types of mistakes: first, don't do anything; second, you should have bought a bunch of things, but you only bought the amount of a bottle of eyedrop.

2,If it's obvious that this is a mistake, then fix it quickly. It won't get better while you wait.

3. It's best to learn profound lessons from other people's miserable experiences rather than your own.

4. If you want to improve your cognitive abilities, then forgetting your own mistakes is a terrible mistake in itself.

5,It's good for you to talk more about your failures and less brag about your successes.

6. Smart people are also immune to disasters caused by overconfidence. They think they are more capable, so they often get tired of running for their lives on more difficult paths.

7. Don't fool yourself, and remember that you are the most likely person to be fooled by yourself.

8,Admitting that you don't understand something means that the dawn of wisdom is coming soon.

9. You don't have to be amazing; just staying a little smarter than others for a long, long time is enough.

10. We never try to be very smart people, but we keep trying not to be stupid. Over time, people like us can gain a huge advantage.

11. If you play games that others play well and you don't know anything about, then you're bound to lose.

12. In Berkshire, Buffett and I wouldn't do anything that others could do better. If you don't know where your strengths are, you can't call them really powerful.

13,If you can't convince your opponent better than your opponent, that means you don't understand enough.

14. If you ask if you're beyond your circle of ability, it means you're out of your circle.

2. Continuously challenge your “favorite ideas”

15. Constantly challenge and proactively revise your “favorite ideas.”

16. Part of the reason I'm more successful than most people isI'm good at destroying my favorite ideas.

17. Face up to reality, even if you don't like it — especially when you don't like it.

18. Looking for evidence on questionable areas is a good way to dispel ignorance. However, by the time everyone expressed their opinions, they had already believed what they believed. I've always known that. As a result, I'm not going to speak out easily.

3. Don't chase mediocre opportunities

19. Only a person with personality can sit there with cash and do nothing. I can have an opportunity today without chasing mediocrity.

20. If you hadn't been fully prepared, you wouldn't have the courage to seize the opportunity when it comes.

21. Whenever you sit there waiting for an opportunity to take the initiative to come to your door, you put yourself in a dangerous situation.

22,If one thing isn't worth doing, then it's no use doing it the best you do.

23. We succeed not because we are good at solving problems, but because we are good at staying away from them.

24. It's much better to seize a few good opportunities than to pretend to know everything. Doing something that works right from the start is far more likely to succeed.

25,We look everywhere for companies worth buying, and we don't deal with door-to-door sellers. If you're just sitting and waiting for a deal to come to your door, then your seat is at risk.

4. Only reliable people can have proper trust in each other

26. Avoiding dealing with small people can save you from great misfortune, and getting to know gentlemen can give you great happiness.

27,Only with a reliable group of people can they have proper trust in each other.

28. The surest way to get something you want is to make yourself worthy of it.

29. Don't wrestle with the same pig, because you'll get your whole body dirty and your opponent won't get tired of it.

5. Good morals and moral reputation are priceless

30. Remember that reputation and integrity are your most valuable possessions, and they can be erased in an instant.

31. If being honest and honest can bring higher rewards, will they still be praised for it? What is truly praiseworthy are those who are imposing, honest and honest even in the face of pain.

32,Strengthening reason isn't something you can choose to do or not do; it's a moral obligation you need to fulfill to the extent possible.

33. There is a saying that is always true: Rationality takes a detour from angry people.

34. What is rationality? That is, see the world the way it is, not the way you want it to be. This is of paramount importance.

35. We want to leave the impression on others that we make clean money without losing money; this is the right path.

6. Grievances about the world are a big taboo in life

36. Jealousy, resentment, hatred, and self-pity are all disastrous states of thought. Excessive self-pity can make people almost paranoid; paranoia is one of the hardest things to reverse.

37,Once you've found an effective way to make money, you don't have to worry about others making money faster than you. This is just crazy in my opinion.

38. Don't get too tangled up about things you can't change. Being full of complaints and grievances is a big taboo in life.

39. Don't envy other people's success; just do things according to the rules. If Berkshire were really smart, it probably wouldn't be as successful as it is today.

7. Keep everything simple and take it seriously

40. People underestimate the importance of those simple truths.

41,Lao-ri, reliable. All those traditional virtues can be used for a lifetime.

42. Keep everything simple and take it seriously.

43. The goal I set for myself was to pursue common sense that normal people don't have.

44. Those intellectual giants are the ones I met in books, not in school.

8. Life is more than just smartly accumulating wealth

45. My way of living in the world is to see through the most foolish things and stay away from them.

46,There's one simple truth in life: do it right, do it over and over again.

47. Try to be smarter than when you wake up every day before bedtime. Complete your tasks earnestly and excellently.

48. If the only success in life is to make a fortune by buying stocks, then this is a life of failure. Life isn't just about being smart and accumulating wealth.

49,None of our group of value investors made it out of it. If you stick with it, you can't even use your brain to be smart. In our generation, those who persevere have been very successful.

50. A friend of mine said that when you're old, the best thing is when you wake up every morning, nothing new makes you miserable.


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