

Huaxin New Materials (300717.SZ): Actively expanding the application fields of environmentally friendly decorative materials, polymer cyclic carb materials, bio-based materials and other products in the functional film industry

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jul 20, 2023 17:08

Gelonghui July 20 丨Some investors asked Huaxin New Materials (300717.SZ), “Has your company's previous youth care card program been implemented normally? Where are the new profit growth points in the future?”

Huaxin New Materials replied that the company is working in an orderly manner according to the annual business plan. Currently, all tasks such as production and operation are normal. Please pay attention to the company's regular reports for specific business conditions. The company will continue to be deeply involved in the field of new materials for high-end cards, vigorously expand the international market, maintain its leading position in the industry, and actively expand the application fields of environmentally friendly decorative materials, polymer recycled carc-based materials, bio-based materials and other products in the functional film industry. At the same time, we are actively seeking cooperative projects and cooperative teams to open up a wider development space.

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