
顾地科技(002694.SZ)发预盈,预计上半年净利润1.11亿元至1.66亿元 同比扭亏为盈

Gudi Technology (002694.SZ) issued a profit forecast and expects net profit of 111 million yuan in the first half of the year to 166 million yuan to turn a year-on-year loss into a profit

Zhitong Finance ·  Jul 13, 2023 20:03

According to the Zhitong Finance App, Gudi Technology (002694.SZ) released its 2023 semi-annual results forecast. It expects net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies in the first half of the year to be 111 million yuan to 166 million yuan, turning a year-on-year loss into a profit. The net profit loss attributable to shareholders of listed companies is estimated to be 3.7642 million yuan to 5.6393 million yuan.

During the reporting period, the main reason the company turned a loss into a profit was the transfer of 100% of the shares of Alashameng Dream Car Culture and Tourism Development Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary, and confirmed investment income increased. Investment income, etc. confirmed due to the sale of shares are non-recurring profit and loss items, and the impact on the company's net profit for the half year of 2023 is estimated to be about 140 million yuan.

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