
任正非:我们不会和美国拼刺刀 我们会上去拥抱

Ren Zhengfei: We won't go up and cuddle with the US spiegel

新浪财经 ·  May 26, 2019 22:17

Sina Financial News, May 26, May 21, 02:30, Huawei founder and CEO Ren Zhengfei accepted an exclusive interview with CCTV "face-to-face" reporter Dong Qian at Huawei headquarters. In this exclusive interview, Ren Zhengfei devoted more space to the topic of basic education.

Ren Zhengfei said: the United States beat us down the north slope today, we slide down the snow a little bit, and then get up and climb the slope. But one day, the two armies will climb to the top of the mountain. At this time, we will never fight bayonets with Americans, we will hug, we cheer, we will serve the digitization and informationization of mankind, and we will meet victoriously in a variety of standards. our ideal is to serve mankind, not to make money. It's not to destroy others, isn't it better for us to serve mankind together?

Host: in 2004 or even earlier that year, China-US relations are normal, and the international supply chain is normal, why do you imagine what to do if the world is not normal?

Ren Zhengfei: to tell this thing, we were going to sell this company to an American company for 10 billion US dollars, because we all know that if we continue to develop, we must collide with the United States. Because when we sold it to others, the contract was signed, and all the formalities were completed, so we put on fancy clothes and ran on the beach, racing and playing table tennis, but this week the board of directors of the American company changed. The new chairman vetoed the acquisition. Well, when we come back, we will discuss whether we still sell it or not. If we no longer sell, we will say that ten years later we will encounter the United States on the mountain, and when we encounter it, we must be the losers. We can't compete with their bayonets. When they climb the south slope, they are climbing the slope with beef, cans and coffee. We climb the hill with dry grain on our back, and we may not be as good as others when we climb the mountain. OK, then we have to be mentally prepared, and then we will prepare the spare tire plan. Of course, today, some people also say whether 5G will split into two standards in the future, one in the West and one in the East. I don't think it will, because mankind has finally unified a standard to serve the common global cloud society. such two standards are two clouds, and it will be very difficult for this thing to blend in in the future. Right?

Under this premise, the United States beat us down the north slope today, we slid down the snow a little bit, and then got up and climbed the slope. But one day, the two armies will climb to the top of the mountain. At this time, we will never fight bayonets with Americans, we will hug, we cheer, we will serve the digitization and informationization of mankind, and we will meet victoriously in a variety of standards. our ideal is to serve mankind, not to make money. It's not to destroy others, isn't it better for us to serve mankind together?

Didn't someone mention it? If you have a spare, why didn't you use it a long time ago? We are for the interests of Western companies, we do not let the interests of the West be squeezed, there will be more friends. You see, I suppressed the company not to make 8K televisions. All televisions in Japan and South Korea use our chips and our systems.

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