
医药行业:医改持续深化 价格联动层出不穷

Pharmaceutical industry: medical reform continues to deepen, price linkages continue to rise

渤海证券 ·  May 23, 2019 07:32

Important news of the industry

On May 14, the National Health Commission and other five departments formulated the "opinions on carrying out pilot projects to promote the Development of clinics". The opinions are clear. From 2019 to 2020, 10 cities, including Beijing, Shenyang and Shanghai, will carry out pilot work on clinic construction. On the 14th, Shaanxi Province issued a notice announcing the results of handling complaints in the publicity period of dynamic adjustment of drugs purchased by Sunshine through consistency evaluation. on the same day, Shaanxi Public Resources Trading Center issued a notice to medical institutions. the price limit for some drugs was lowered, and Qinghai Medical Insurance Bureau also issued a notice on the same day, requiring that the lowest purchase price of drugs in the country be reported. A price linkage mechanism will also be established in Fujian and Shandong provinces, from which drug prices are expected to decline further. News came from the national teleconference on medical reform held on May 17th. The next step of medical reform will promptly improve and comprehensively promote the centralized drug procurement system organized by the state, and promote the reduction of falsely high prices of drugs and high-value medical consumables. On May 20, Guangxi issued a notice announcing the system of essential drugs in the autonomous region, saying that it would actively promote centralized drug procurement and volume procurement, carry out drug group procurement, and further reduce drug prices.

Investment strategy

With the further deepening of supply-side reform in the pharmaceutical industry, policies such as consistency evaluation, volume procurement and graded diagnosis and treatment have further enhanced the concentration of the industry. Investors are advised to pay attention to the subdivision of high-quality individual stocks in line with the policy trend. Drugs are recommended for the combination of imitation and innovation.Karen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.(002422), reversed at the bottomHaizheng Pharmaceutical Industry(600267), the recommended policies for consumer drugs are circumventedChangchun high-tech(000661),I am a martial creature.(300357), the pharmaceutical business recommends industrial and commercial integration.Shanghai medicine(601607) and valuation growth matchWholehearted hall(002727),Traditional Chinese medicine is the same.(000028), IVD of medical devices is recommended for strong growth.Antu organism(603658),Basic egg creature(603387), recommended leader in service outsourcingWuxi Apptec(603259),Kellein(002821).

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