


致富證券 ·  Mar 17, 2020 03:00  · Researches

  Comprehensive Overview

The Group is a Malaysian outsourced document management service provider and developer of related software applications and enterprise software solutions. The Group's services include providing document management services and enterprise software solutions. The Group's outsourced document management services include (i) electronic document transmission; (ii) document printing and mailing; (iii) MICR cheque printing and mailing; (iv) medical ID card printing and mailing; and (v) document imaging and scanning services. Based on an insightful consulting report, the Group ranked second in Malaysia in 2019 based on revenue obtained from providing document management services.

According to an insightful consulting report, the total revenue generated by the Malaysian document management services market increased from RM400.4 million in 2015 to RM571.2 million in 2019, with a compound annual growth rate of 9.3%.

Risk Factors

The Group's business relies heavily on a number of major clients in the banking and insurance industry. As of December 31, 2018, the Group's total sales to the five major clients accounted for about 51.8% of the total revenue. If market changes adversely affect the operating structure of customers, demand for group services may be impacted, and the group's business and operating performance may be significantly adversely affected.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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