Stock code: 000415 Industry category: Non-bank finance
Total market capitalization: 23.5 billion yuan Number of shares outstanding: 3,547 million shares
Price-earnings ratio TTM: 12.2 Total share capital: 6.185 billion shares
Highest price in a year: 5.18 yuan
Ratio of tradable shares to total share capital: 57.36% Lowest price in a year: 3.32 yuan Number of shareholders: 103469
Average weekly turnover (within one year): 14.8 million shares
Changes in shareholding by foreign-funded institutions
Investor Relations Performance
IR activities counted here mainly include: conference calls for investors; arranging meetings and press conferences with securities analysts and media; and any recorded investor interaction activities.
not active
Domestic news in Chinese
Timeframe: January 2019 - December 2019
Overseas news in English
Timeframe: January 2019 - December 2019
Analyst coverage (Chinese)
Timeframe: Q1 2019 - Q4 2019 Failure to meet standards
Analyst Coverage (English)
Timeframe: Q1 2019 - Q4 2019 Failure to meet standards
Overseas Agencies
Investment Ratings
Fourth quarter of 2019