

CGN Mining [1164.HK]: Upstream companies benefiting from China's nuclear power development

銀河國際 ·  Apr 16, 2019 00:00  · Researches

As a resource development platform for CGN Group, CGN Mining will benefit from the development of China's nuclear power industry.

CGN Mining completed the acquisition of CGN International Uranium Products Sales Co., Ltd. (CGNGlobal) in January 2019. The company is a trading platform, and the acquisition will expand CGN Mining's business scale and expand its sales network.

The growth of the CGN mining industry will be helped by a potential recovery in uranium prices and the volume of orders brought about by the development of new projects.

The management of CGN Mining has been looking for merger and acquisition targets to further increase sales.

Although CGN Mining is smaller than its peers in the industry supply chain (in terms of business and market capitalization), given its shareholder background, CGN Mining is a unique upstream company in the region. We understand that some investors are still wary of nuclear power generation due to environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues. However, if investors are looking for shares that can benefit China's nuclear power development, we think CGN Mining is worth keeping an eye on, especially considering the company's position in the industry and the latest developments in China's nuclear power industry.

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