
延华智能(002178):中报业绩符合预期 打造智慧医疗等智慧城市产业链

Yanhua Intelligence (002178): the performance of China News is in line with expectations to build an industrial chain of smart cities such as smart health care.

聯訊證券 ·  Aug 26, 2016 00:00  · Researches

Overview of events:

Yanhua Intelligence released its 2016 semi-annual report, with total revenue of 509 million yuan during the reporting period, an increase of 26.38% over the same period last year. Net profit belonging to the owner of the parent company was 38.6076 million yuan, up 11.62% over the same period last year. Net profit after deducting 29.5768 million yuan, up 15.61% over the same period last year; basic earnings per share was 0.05yuan, the same as the same period last year; R & D investment was 25.2758 million yuan, up 58.28% over the same period last year.

Analysis and judgment:

The total revenue increased steadily: during the reporting period, the company's total revenue increased by 26.38%, and the electric medical stars thickened the revenue, which also brought the increase of sales expenses and R & D investment. In terms of industry segments, revenue from intelligent buildings was 360 million yuan, up 15.4 percent from the same period last year; revenue from smart medical care was 73.992 million yuan, up 111.1 percent from the same period last year; revenue from sales of intelligent products was 36.956 million yuan, up 120.3 percent from the same period last year; revenue from software and consulting increased by 5.6 percent over the same period last year; revenue from intelligent energy conservation decreased by 17.7 percent.

Holding shares in Chengdian Medical Star, Sensi Information, and upgrading the smart medical industry chain: (1) the company acquired Chengdian Medical Star in 2015, holding 75.24%, and thickening the smart medical performance. During the reporting period, Cheng Dian Medical Star achieved revenue of 28.5127 million yuan, an increase of 15.3% over the same period last year, and net profit of 873.49, a substantial increase of 345.4% over the same period last year. Cheng Dian Medical Star adopts PPP mode and SaaS mode to build cloud computing smart medical big data platform to realize the interconnection of population, medical care, pension and other information, which is strongly supported by governments at all levels. With the great development of medical PPP and the growth of information demand, it is expected that Chengdian medical stars can maintain high growth performance. (2) in May, the company subscribed for Sensi Information shares with its own funds and held 13.8% of the shares. Sensi Information is a leader in the hospital sensory control information industry, with products covering more than 200 third-class and first-class hospitals across the country. The "Yiyuan traceability" cloud platform being built has reached a cooperation intention with the Shanghai Municipal Health Supervision. A series of measures have established the core competitive advantage of the company's smart medical business.

The wisdom of environmental protection sets sail, and the wisdom of energy conservation takes the lead: (1) the company focuses on strengthening expansion and innovation around "atmospheric governance", "water governance" and "environmental protection informatization", focuses on the Shanghai market, and makes use of location advantages to carry out business, achieving a contract value of 11.42 million yuan during the reporting period. (2) the business coverage of itemized metering and energy consumption monitoring platform has been further expanded to provide services for more than 500 office buildings of state organs and large-scale public buildings across the country; Building Information Model (BIM) business won the bid Yangpu District Building Information Model (BIM) technology pilot and promotion and application technology general support service project.

Profit forecast and investment advice:

The company blossoms in smart health care, smart energy conservation, smart environmental protection, intelligent buildings and other businesses, with strong growth potential. The EPS forecasts for 2016-2018 are 0.16,0.28 and 0.36 yuan respectively, maintaining the "overweight" rating.

Risk hint

The overall revenue of related project cooperation is lower than expected, market risk, policy risk.

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