

Jinshang Bank Co., Ltd. (02558.HK)

長雄證券 ·  Jun 29, 2019 00:00  · Researches

Summary of duties

Jiyi is the only provincial-level corporate city commercial bank in Shanxi Province. In 2018, according to the first-tier statistics as of December 31, 2017, the collection ranked 440th in the Global Top 1000 list, an increase of 136th places compared with the ranking in 2017. The total GDP of the collection increased from 173385.9 million yuan as of December 31, 2016 to 206.869 million yuan as of December 31, 2017, and further increased to 227.2478 million yuan as of December 31, 2018. The collection company has established a network covering Shanxi Province to penetrate into the pan-service networks of the economic bright spots in various regions. As of December 31, 2018, there were 160 network sites in the cluster, covering all 11 prefectures and cities in Shanxi Province. In accordance with the in-depth understanding of the regional economy and making use of the Chinese government's policy of promoting industrial upgrading and economic transformation in Shanxi Province in recent years, it has been expanded strategically to industries with strong business prospects.

Thank you very much.

As the only provincial-level legal person city commercial bank in Shanxi Province, it has benefited from the economic transformation of Shanxi Province, the support of government and local policies and the gradually increasing economic growth.

Actively grasp the market opportunities brought about by preferential policies, develop in-depth cooperation with enterprises and institutional customers, and form strong corporate financial obligations.

An in-depth analysis of customer demand and the continuation of new retail products and services have formed a clear understanding of customer demand.

Negative factor

If the market fails to effectively maintain the volume and growth of assets, business conditions and operating performance may be significantly affected.

The preparation for the loss of the value of the release may not be sufficient to counteract the actual loss of the future loan combination.

Face-to-face delivery of centralized loans to certain industries, borrowers and regional credit

The purpose of the income

The proceeds from global sales (after deducting the underwriting commission and estimated expenditure payable by the collection on global sales) shall be used to strengthen the capital base of the pool to support the sustained growth of collection operations.

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