
和仁科技(300550):业绩持续高增长 区卫业务加速异地复制

東北證券 ·  May 6, 2019 00:00  · Researches

Investment events: 2018 report: revenue of 391 million yuan, growth rate of 41.69%; net profit of 40 million yuan, growth rate of 22.91%. Profit distribution: 0.75 yuan for every 10 shares, transferred to 4 shares. (2) 2019 Q1: Revenue of 63 million yuan, growth rate of 32.49%, net profit of 6.4577 million yuan, growth rate of 114.31%. The health IT industry is booming, driving high growth in the company's performance. At this stage, the medical IT industry is booming, and medical institutions are in high demand. In 2018, the company won bids for more than 10 million smart hospital projects, such as the Jiangxi Maternal and Child Health Hospital (82.09 million), the Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (69.59 million), Shaw Hospital (42.5 million), etc. The number of large orders increased markedly, and the company's overall order growth was high. Judging from advance payments, the amount at the end of 2018 was RMB 22.292,500, an increase of 280.94% over the previous year. The increase in advance payments means that the company's new orders are in good condition. The company's smart medical business continues to advance, driving continued high performance growth. Revenue growth in 2018 was 41.69%, and Q1 revenue growth in 2019 was as high as 32.49%. The city-level smart medical business model has matured in operation, accelerated offsite replication, and actively explored new profit models. The company's city-level smart medical business has been successfully implemented in Guangyuan, Sichuan, Jiangyin, Jiangsu, Jinhu, Jiangsu, and Pingxiang, Jiangxi, etc., and has large-scale replication and promotion capabilities. In October 2018, the company and Zhongyuan Asset set up a joint venture to jointly manage smart city construction projects in Henan Province; in December 2018, the company also began strategic cooperation with the Baise Municipal Government to promote the construction of digital health care in Baise City. In December 2018, the smart medical regional cloud platform in Fuyang District of Zhejiang was first connected to the “urban brain” integrated platform; as of April 2, 2019, the Fuyang cloud platform has been connected to 11 municipal hospitals in Hangzhou, and it is expected that public medical institutions throughout Hangzhou will be connected by the end of June. City-level smart medical services have blossomed in many places, and operating fee models are being actively explored. Strategic cooperation with Unicom, complementary advantages, and strong alliances. The company cooperates strategically with Unicom Sichuan Branch. The two sides are cooperating in the field of informatization construction for medical institutions and health care authorities within the Sichuan region, including the development of in-hospital information systems and regional medical information platforms for large medical institutions in Sichuan. Strong alliances are expected to actively promote the development of the company's business in Sichuan Province. Investment advice: The company expects EPS of 0.96/1.38/1.98 yuan in 2019/2020/2021, corresponding to PE 68.38/47.81/33.36 times, giving it a “buy” rating. Risk warning: business development falls short of expectations

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