
润和软件(300339):扬帆起航 与蚂蚁金服共筑金融科技生态

川財證券 ·  Mar 17, 2019 00:00  · Researches

The core view is that the company is a leader in financial informatization services. The company lays out the fintech ecosystem through mergers and acquisitions to form the dual main business of financial informatization and chip IoT. The company has a certain influence in the field of fintech services. In 2017, the company ranked 8th in the Bank of China IT solutions market share, ranking 4th in the business solutions market, and ranked 2nd in the core business solutions sub-market, with a market share of 5.7%. The company's financial indicators show that the company has good growth, with an average compound annual growth rate of 27% in operating income over the past six years. The banking information technology industry is facing new opportunities. Specialized services are the future development trend. As financial supply-side reforms deepen, the banking industry is facing the need for digital transformation and upgrading. Competition in the banking information technology market will focus on the professional accumulation and professional service capabilities of suppliers. Future development trends will be reflected in the formation of an intensive management model based on data, payment as the core, development of a mobile Internet business model, and collaboration as a starting point to establish a unified customer experience model. The banking informatization market space is huge, and the competitive pattern is scattered. The pattern of China's banking informatization industry is scattered, and there are no leading enterprises with an absolute competitive advantage. The banking industry is the largest user in the financial industry that invests in information technology construction. The investment scale in 2017 accounted for 69.37% of the market. Among them, IT investment by urban commercial banks and rural financial institutions such as agricultural and commercial, agricultural cooperation, and agricultural credit has gradually increased, accounting for 30.4% of the total IT investment in the banking industry. Jointly with Ant Financial, the strategic cooperation between small and medium-sized banking technology companies and Ant Financial continues to deepen. The two sides will cooperate at various levels in the fintech service market, especially the fintech service market of urban commercial banks and rural commercial banks, to jointly build a digital banking platform and an Internet financial operation platform to empower small and medium-sized financial institutions. Bank of Taizhou successfully launched a business hub platform and accumulated experience and reputation for the company to promote the platform. For the first time, it is estimated that the main business revenue from 2018 to 2020 will be 20.31, 25.53, and 3,211 billion yuan respectively. Net profit is expected to reach 3.38, 4.42, and 564 million yuan, and EPS of 0.42, 0.55, and 0.71 yuan respectively. Corresponding PE is 31.81, 24.35, and 19.07 times, respectively. The company's future performance growth is relatively guaranteed, and for the first time, it has been given an “increase in holdings” rating. Risk Warning: New Product and Technology Development Risks; Bank IT Spending Falls Short of Expectations

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