
新智认知(603869)公司快报:业绩符合预期 公安大数据战略成为“龙头工程”

KuaiBao of Xinzhi Cognition (603869) Co., Ltd.: the performance is in line with the expected public security big data strategy to become a "leading project"

安信證券 ·  Aug 10, 2018 00:00  · Researches

The public security big data strategy has become a "leading project". In 2018, the Ministry of Public Security established the National Public Security big data work leading Group to vigorously promote the implementation of the Public Security big data Strategy to ensure that significant progress will be made in public security information construction and the ability to safeguard national security and social stability by 2020. Minister of Public Security Zhao Kezhi said, "We must adhere to the inward blade and self-revolution, speed up the promotion of data fusion and sharing, and first build the 'brain' of wisdom and public security." "We should adhere to the principle of intensive construction, adhere to the idea of integrated development, break down barriers to departmental police types, open up exchange and sharing channels, gather high-quality resources, promote opening up and sharing, and strive to maximize the economies of scale and value of data. strive to provide more and higher-quality data information services and support for grass-roots front-line combat applications.

The comprehensive solution of public security informatization is in full bloom. The company makes full use of and integrates the industry experience and resource accumulation in the field of intelligence and security, on the basis of 14 business platforms, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Sichuan, Jiangsu, Hubei, Heilongjiang, Guizhou and Chongqing, which have been formed in 2017. dig deep into customer demand, making the business of comprehensive solutions for public security information grow steadily At the same time, it has strengthened the business development of the new area and won the bid for the in-depth application of monitoring equipment of the Public Security Bureau of Bole City in Xinjiang, the comprehensive social management of Yuli County in Bazhou, Xinjiang, and the construction of Ping an City in Karamay, Xinjiang. it has further opened up space for the company's expansion in the new area.

Based on big data's intelligent police products, a number of major breakthroughs have been made in many projects. During the reporting period, the company based on big data's intelligent policing products In 2018 Songjiang Sheshan high definition monitoring system and major event guarantee command and dispatching project, Tianjin Public Security Bureau Public Security Department Public Security Department Public Security Traffic Integrated Command platform Project, Zhaoqing Public Security Bureau Information Visualization Analysis platform Phase I and Phase II, Wuhu Public Security Bureau Comprehensive Intelligence Analysis platform, Lianyungang Public Security Bureau data Analysis Service Project, Changzhou Public Security Bureau big data Visual Analysis platform, The actual combat communication and command system of the Ministry of Public Security has been applied to many public security projects all over the country. It lays a solid foundation for the further development of the company's intelligent policing business.

Investment suggestion: the company has officially changed its name to "Xin Zhi Cognition", a subsidiary company with sinking tourism assets, focusing on "leading industry change driven by digital"; big data's strategy has become a "leading project", and the company has focused on the wisdom of public security. The main business path is clear, based on big data's intelligent police products to achieve a number of major breakthroughs. It is estimated that the company's EPS from 2018 to 2019 will be 1.16,1.63 yuan respectively, maintaining the "buy-A" rating, with a three-month target price of 23.4 yuan.

Risk tips: cognitive solutions are not progressing as expected; industry competition aggravates risks.

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