

Hong Ying Holdings Limited (1735.HK) IPO

長雄證券 ·  Mar 20, 2018 00:00  · Researches

Business Overview Hongying Holdings is a contractor for foundation projects, superstructure construction projects and other construction projects in Hong Kong. The main business of the group is to provide services to private sector customers. Most of the projects are related to residential and commercial development and reconstruction projects in Hong Kong. The group obtains contracts through competitive bidding and pricing, and is priced based on a cost plus pricing model. The bonus amount is determined according to each item. Customers in the private sector of the Group include private property development requiring foundation engineering services or superstructure construction services Businesses, construction companies, and other entities. Competitive advantage groups have a stable position and good track record in the foundation and superstructure engineering industry in Hong Kong. The group has strict quality control, good safety standards and the ability to undertake “design and construction” contracts. Risk factors account for the majority of the benefits from contract revenue granted to a small number of customers to successfully win bids on items that are unusual in nature, but there is no guarantee that customers will provide new business credit insurance to customers and if the customer is unable to do so on time or on time Payments, income that may be adversely affected by the group's liquid financial situation The purpose of the provision is about 74.7% to increase machinery and equipment, about 15.8% to reinforce manpower, and about 9.5% for general operating capital

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