
中储股份(600787)年报点评:智慧物流迅速发展 17业绩同比增长74.32%

Comments on the Annual report of China Reserve (600787): smart Logistics develops rapidly and its performance increases by 74.32% compared with the same period last year.

申萬宏源研究 ·  Mar 19, 2018 00:00  · Researches

Main points of investment:

Events / news: the company released its annual report for 2017, with operating income of 25.603 billion yuan, an increase of 67.55% over the same period last year; net profit of 1.338 billion yuan, up 74.32% over the same period last year; deducting 53 million yuan of non-return net profit, reversing losses over the same period last year; finally achieved basic earnings per share of 0.61 yuan, weighted average ROE of 13.35%, an increase of 4.99% over the same period last year, and the performance was basically in line with expectations. In addition, Q3 Company replaced Chengtong Real Estate with 100% equity in two subsidiaries, resulting in an investment income of 1.459 billion yuan, thickening the company's profit by 1.107 billion yuan, and contributing 80% of the net profit.

Smart logistics has reached a new level, leading to a 117.95% increase in transport revenue. During the reporting period, the company's intelligent logistics business developed rapidly, with 1505 new customers and 142new agents. at present, it has 157491 senior carrier members, with active carriers accounting for 73.19%, driving transportation revenue of 7.881 billion yuan, a substantial increase of 117.95%, of which, distribution and transportation business income is 5.979 billion yuan, an increase of 242.32% over the same period last year, and warehousing business income is 695 million yuan, an increase of 3.84% over the same period last year. Revenue from storage was 69800 yuan, up 19.56% over the same period last year; revenue from container business was 78 million yuan, up 3.19% from the same period last year; spot market revenue was 187 million yuan, down 3.01% from the same period last year; and financial logistics revenue was 11 million yuan, down 31.92% from the same period last year.

Vigorously develop supply chain logistics business, commodity circulation business income of 17.334 billion yuan. During the reporting period, the company continued to focus on improving the warehousing network service platform, continued to vigorously expand the commodity supply chain business, and actively cultivated the characteristic business of logistics + Internet. At the same time, with the continued activity of commodities, the company's commodity trade business grew rapidly for the whole year, with a total income of 17.334 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 51.68%.

The construction of the project will be carried out in an orderly manner, and the profitability will be guaranteed in the future. During the reporting period, the company's Shijiazhuang, Nanjing, Liaoning, Tianjin and other logistics base construction projects advanced in an orderly manner, Shanghai Lingang Fengxian Phase II, Tianjin Zhongchu Land Port Modern Logistics Distribution Center and other logistics bases have the conditions to be put into production; at the same time, complete the delivery and storage of real estate in Tiexi branch and Zhengzhou logistics center. In addition, the company is seeking potential buyers of the shares of Nanjing Dianjian China Reserve Real Estate Co., Ltd. (49%) and Tianjin Zhongchu Hengfeng Real Estate Co., Ltd. (35%) to create conditions for the listing and transfer of the two projects. The landing and stable operation of the above projects will ensure the profitability of the company in the future.

Accelerate the progress of cooperation with GLP and further integrate domestic and foreign resources. During the reporting period, the company established a joint venture with GLP, the second largest shareholder, to invest in and manage new logistics base projects, jointly promote the establishment of China Reserve Modern Logistics Industry Investment M & A Fund, and carry out project discovery and cultivation. In addition, the company continued to integrate domestic and foreign resources, completed the acquisition of Impala Shanghai Yangshan bonded warehouse project, filled the storage gap of the company's non-ferrous metal bonded storage facilities in Shanghai Free Trade Zone, and enhanced its business coverage capacity.

Adjust profit forecast and maintain "overweight" rating. Taking into account the adjustment of the company's land delivery and storage progress, we adjust the company's profit forecast for 18 and 19 years. It is estimated that the company's net profit from 2018 to 2020 will be 1.358 billion yuan, 1.389 billion yuan and 1.403 billion yuan respectively (the original 18,19 forecast is 865 million yuan and 909 million yuan). The corresponding stock price PE is 16 times, 15 times and 15 times, maintaining the "overweight" rating.

Risk hint: commodity circulation business is not as expected; equity sales and land storage are not as expected.

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