
晨曦航空(300581)3季报点评:业绩平稳增长 将受益于军用直升机加速列装

國信證券 ·  Oct 27, 2017 00:00  · Researches

Revenue was 114 million yuan, net profit of 22.5497 million yuan, year-on-year differences of -0.45% and 4.15%, respectively. The company released its 2017 three-quarter report, and achieved steady growth in performance. The company achieved revenue of 114 million yuan, a slight decrease of 0.45% from the same period last year. Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was RMB 22.5497 million, an increase of 4.15% over the previous year. During the reporting period, the company's period expenses were 202093 million, and the period fee rate was 17.68%, a year-on-year decrease of 2.34PCT, mainly due to an increase in the company's operating efficiency and a decrease in the management expense ratio. The company's gross sales margin was 48.15% and net sales margin was 19.73%, with year-on-year increases of 0.66PCT and 0.87PCT respectively. Military aviation inertial navigation products account for a high proportion, and will benefit from the fact that the main products of military helicopter acceleration assembly companies are aviation inertial navigation products and aero engine electronics products. The company has mature experience in the field of inertial guidance and has accumulated core key technologies. Inertial guidance systems have the advantages of information autonomy and information completeness, and are widely used in situations and fields with high requirements for sports safety and mobility. They are mainly used in military helicopters, and will benefit from the accelerated deployment of military helicopters. According to “The Millennial Balance 2017” data, China currently has 1,132 military helicopters and the US military has 5132. The gap is obvious. It is expected that after the military reform, procurement of construction helicopters by the Land Aviation Brigade, Marines, etc. will accelerate, bringing room for growth in inertial guidance products. Aviation electronics products are developing well. The full-authority digital electronic control system represents the cutting-edge direction. The company's full-authority digital electronic control system represents the cutting-edge level of engine systems. The country is in its infancy, and there are broad prospects for replacement; the newly developed product, flight control computers, have formed mass production, and is extremely competitive in terms of price and output. A fully authorized digital electronic control system uses the ultimate capabilities of the digital electronic control system to complete all tasks specified by the system. It is a form of control inevitable for high-performance aircraft engines and integrated control. It is the development direction and development focus of this field, and represents the future development trend of aero engine control devices. At present, the electronic control system for helicopter engines developed independently by the company has completed project acceptance, and there are broad prospects for mass production in the future. The company's EPS for 17-19 is expected to be 1.24/1.43/1.65 yuan, respectively, and the corresponding PE is 33.5/29.0/25.1X, respectively, giving it an “increase in holdings” rating. Risk warning: Mass production of the FADEC system is not progressing as expected.

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