
卧龙地产(600173)2012年年报点评:稳健经营 以创新谋发展

東興證券 ·  Mar 15, 2013 00:00  · Researches

We believe that the company currently has great potential for development in third-tier cities in the east and economically developed provincial capitals in the central and western regions. In the future, as economic growth and social investment in the central and western regions increase, demand for real estate will continue to be strong, and the company is expected to reap a lot in the later stages; in the future, the company will gradually increase the proportion of hardcover houses and commercial real estate to diversify the business structure, effectively diversify operating risks, and enhance brand competitiveness; the company will continue to improve management, follow the path of fine management, strictly control costs, and improve project operation efficiency. Furthermore, with the steady development of the Wolong Group as a whole, Wolong Real Estate, as one of the Group's top three businesses, is expected to enjoy the synergy brought about by the interaction between the Group's industries. We expect the company's sales revenue from 2013 to 2015 to reach 1,394 billion yuan, 1,765 billion yuan and 2.62 billion yuan respectively, with earnings per share of 0.26 yuan, 0.33 yuan and 0.54 yuan, respectively. The corresponding PE is 13.15, 10.47 and 6.35 yuan, respectively. Maintain the company's “Recommended” rating.

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