
大康牧业(002505):华丽转身 专注高端乳制品、牛羊肉品

Dakang Animal Husbandry (002505): gorgeous turn to focus on high-end dairy products, beef and mutton products

國信證券 ·  Jul 8, 2013 00:00  · Researches

The company's additional issuance plan: the current share capital is 246720000 shares, which is proposed to be 7.96 yuan per share, the additional shares are not more than 628140000 shares, and the total amount of funds raised is not more than 5 billion yuan. for Anhui 1 million head mutton sheep breeding project, Hunan 200000 head mutton sheep breeding project, Qingdao Pengxin Xue long import beef project, increase capital Newshilan Dairy to implement import baby milk powder and liquid milk project, supplement company liquidity five projects.

Brief comments: after the implementation of the additional issuance project, 1, the company has changed from a medium-sized pig breeding and slaughtering enterprise to a large-scale high-end dairy products, beef and mutton products processing enterprise; 2, the company's actual controller and management changes; 3, the awareness of food quality and safety has been enhanced. the market pays close attention to high-end dairy products, meat and related enterprises.

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